Anthony Oliveira

creating queer stories - comics, novels, scholarship.

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as thanks, access to weekly audio of me reciting my way through my source texts (The Gospels ongoing, John Milton's PARADISE LOST and PARADISE REGAINED complete, more to come!).
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as thanks, access to angel tier benefits plus the commentary book club mini-podcast THE DEVIL'S PARTY, in which I'll be thinking through the passage's poetry, implications, and cosmology. 
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as thanks, access to angel & archangel tier benefits (reading + DEVIL'S PARTY podcast) plus potential to contribute to podcast discussion through questions or comments (and the occasional extra content as projects materialize).
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Shape the conversation! As thanks, receive all access of other tiers, and your comments will become a key portion of THE DEVIL'S PARTY's regular analysis. Questions you want answered? Problems you want considered? Unargued, I obey. 
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Anthony Oliveira

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