St. Clair

Learn more about your recycling program.

Recycling resources

Learn more about recycling collection in St. Clair.

Get in touch

For any recycling collection inquiries, please contact Emterra. They can be contacted for:

  • Replacement bins.
  • Missed collections.
  • Other recycling questions.


Be recycle ready

  • Please ensure that materials are placed at the curb by 7:00am.
  • Recycling will only be collected in blue recycling bins. Industrial Totes will not be collected for residential.
  • Do not overfill Bins, loose is better and keeps items from getting stuck in the box.
  • The Township offers Single Stream (also known as ‘fully commingled’ or ‘single-sort’) recycling. Single Stream refers to a system in which all paper fibers, plastics, metals, and other containers are mixed in a collection truck, instead of being sorted by the resident into separate commodities (newspaper, paperboard, corrugated fiberboard, plastic, glass, etc.) and handled separately throughout the collection process. In Single Stream, both the collection and processing systems are designed to handle this ‘fully commingled’ mixture of recyclables, with materials being separated for reuse at a materials recovery facility.