We are a movement of Mennonites taking public action to stop war and end the occupation of Palestine

Week of Mennonite Action

During the March 25-29 Week of Mennonite Action, hundreds of Mennonites across North America delivered symbols of aid—bread, quilts, food, and more—to demand their representatives fund humanitarian aid, not weapons of war.

Graphic with quilt design with text reading Weeping for Gaza Working for Peace

We are people of God’s peace.

Mennonite Action is a movement of Mennonites bonded by a common belief that we must be public about our peace values. We believe that Mennonites have a responsibility to use our voices as powerfully as possible for the cause of peace and justice. We are taking public action as Mennonites. We are mobilizing Mennonites across the US and Canada to demand a ceasefire, end the US and western funded occupation of Palestine, and build for lasting peace.

DC Mennonite Day of Action for a Ceasefire

On January 16th, 2024, hundreds of Mennonites and interfaith allies met in Washington, DC for a historic gathering calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Nearly 150 Mennonites were arrested on Capitol Hill in an act of peaceful civil disobedience, singing hymns and praying for peace in a federal building. About 200 additional people held a simultaneous peace vigil outside the building. And a small group delivered a petition with thousands of signatures to our elected officials.

Together, we sent a message to our political leaders, our fellow community members, and our Palestinian, Jewish, Arab and Muslim loved ones that there are Christians and Mennonites who stand with them in their call for peace and a ceasefire now.