Student financial services

Loans, grants and bursaries are available to New Brunswick students to help with the cost of post-secondary education.

Funding for full-time students

Students with a minimum of 60% full course load or a minimum 40% for students with a disability. Information you need to know before you apply, how to apply and supporting documents.

Funding for part-time students

Students with less than 60% of a full course load or less than 40% for students with a disability. Information you need to know before you apply, how to apply and supporting documents.

Repaying your student loan

Learn when and how to pay back your student loan debt and see if you qualify for help repaying your loan.

Student financial assistance

The Government of Canada and the Government of New Brunswick work together to help you access and pay for post-secondary education. With one application each year of your program, you will be considered for student financial assistance, which may include loans, grants, and bursaries from both levels of government. A separate application is required if you are applying for the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for students with disabilities.

The process of applying is different for full-time and part-time students.  Your school (public or private) can be anywhere in the world if it’s been approved.

The New Brunswick Student Financial Assistance Program offers funding for school through two kinds of money:

  • Student loans – money you have to repay
  • Grants and bursaries – money you don't have to pay back

Funding is available for both full-time and part-time students and is based on a number of factors, including your family income.

The student financial assistance program can help you pay for:

  • tuition and other mandatory fees;
  • books and supplies (when applicable);
  • return transportation;
  • childcare (if applicable);
  • living allowance (full-time students only);
  • incidental allowance (part-time students only); and,
  • computer-related costs (full-time students only).

Assistance is available to full-time and part-time post-secondary education students who meet the eligibility requirements.  

Find out if you qualify!


Application processing

Once all documents have been submitted, applications are normally processed within two to four weeks and funding reviews are normally processed within four to six weeks.

How to upload a document

There are different files we will need to process your student financial assistance application. Understand the process, file sizes and how to upload a multiple page document.

Information and forms

Student financial assistance handbook

Full-time students only

Includes detailed information about the application process and the funding programs available.

2023 – 2024 Program highlights and funding information

Full-time students only

A summary of information about funding amounts and what’s new.

Students with disabilities information

Information about the disability grants and supports available.

Disability verification form

A form to be completed by a health care provider when applying as a student with a disability for the first time.

Application for Canada student grant for services and equipment –students with disabilities

A printable application to be completed to access funding to help pay for disability-related equipment and/or services needed for your education.

Dependent student applicant information

Full-time students only

Information for students who finished high school in the last four years.

Authorization to disclose information

A form to be completed if you want Student Financial Services to be able to share your information with another person.

Parental income tax information

Full-time students only

A form to be completed if Student Financial Services requests your parent’s income information.

Change of address

A form to be completed to advise Student Financial Services of address or contact information changes.

Printable application instructions

Full-time students only

Information to help you complete the printable application for full-time assistance.

Full-time printable application

If you are unable to apply online, you can use this printable application to apply for student financial assistance.

Part-time printable application

Use this printable application to apply for part-time student financial assistance.

Satisfactory scholastic standard bulletin

Information about academic progress requirements to remain eligible for funding.

Overaward information

Information on overawards and how they affect your funding.

Credit check

Information on the criteria for a credit check and the appeal process.

Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA)

Information to complete the MSFAA process.

Students studying outside Canada

Information to consider when applying to attend a school outside Canada.

Request a funding review

Full-time students only

A form to be completed if you have extraordinary expenses or have significant changes to income.

Request for program information form

Full-time students only

A form to be completed by your school detailing information on your program of study.

Request for program information form – Intersession/Summer Session

Full-time students only

A form to be completed by your school detailing information on your program of study if you are attending Intersession/Summer Session at a university.

Change of academic status

Full-time students only

A form to be completed by the school if there is a change to your studies such as course load change, withdrawal etc.

Program change notification

Full-time students only

A form to be completed by the school if you transfer to a new program at the same school or campus.

Provincial and territorial student financial assistance offices

If you are not a resident of New Brunswick, find out how to apply to another province or territory.

Borrowers affected by Natural Disasters

Information on repayment assistance if you are impacted by a natural disaster.

Need help?

If you have questions or need help, contact Student Financial Services Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Phone number: 1-800-667-5626

If you have questions about your funding deposits or repayment of your student loans, sign into your NSLSC account or call 1-888-815-4514 or 1-800-225-2501 outside North America plus country code.