Canoe Kayak Canada (CKC) has a fundamental obligation and responsibility to protect the health and well-being of the organization, its members and its participants. CKC takes this responsibility and any situation involving misconduct very seriously. CKC and its Members are collectively committed to enacting and enforcing strong, clear, and consistent policies and processes for addressing misconduct.

Effective Friday, December 16, 2022, Canoe Kayak Canada  has access to services provided by the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC), which serves as the central hub of Abuse-Free Sport, the new independent program to prevent and address maltreatment in sport. Complaints will now be filed with either Abuse-Free Sport or the Independent Third Party (The ITP) for CKC. A complete overview on how to file a complaint to either Abuse-Free Sport or The ITP is outlined in the Getting Help section below.

If you have any further questions regarding the Policy itself, or any of CKC’s safe sport initiatives or programs, please contact Kenna Robins, Senior Manager National Program Development at