Apply for CPO funding today!

CPO’s grant funding process is CLOSED for 2023. Please check back again next year.

In 2021, as part of CPO’s Board-approved Diversity Audit, we committed to revisiting our funding model. We engaged Mehari Consulting to work with the Funding Review Committee to recommend a new model of funding, based on stakeholder consultations and best practices. Mehari Consulting put forward a revised outcomes-based model that relies on call for proposals (CFPs). This year, we are phasing in the core recommendations of the funding model, this is subject to our strategic plan.

Our 2023 Call for Proposals is launching on February 10, 2023 and applications are due by 5PM on Monday, March 13, 2023.

Download, complete, and submit your application to


We have updated our application form and created additional tools to help you submit a strong funding application: 

  • To help with your application, we have a Budget and Workplan template available. It is also linked to the application form above.
  • You can find the presentation for the information sessions here
  • You can also find our “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) document here.

Funding Streams

We will be offering three funding streams. Below are each of their criterias as well as their funding amounts.

Micro grants
  • Targeting small, grassroots organizations
  • Research
  • New or existing initiatives

For one-year projects, up to $15,000 

Non-renewable grants
  • Direct program delivery
  • Research
  • Enhance current services

$30,000 to $60,000

Multi-year systems level/collaboratives
  • Research
  • Partnership developments
  • Creation of community best practice
  • Pilot a model to implement across agencies
  • Create pathways to connect communities to services, service co-ordination
  • Co-creation systemic change within institutions

Up to $160,000 / year

Eligibility Criteria


Ottawa is a community in which individuals, families and neighbourhoods are safe and feel safe. 


To contribute to crime prevention and enhanced community safety and well-being in Ottawa through collaborative, evidence-informed initiatives.

Priority Outcomes

The priority outcomes below are to be achieved by CPO-funded agencies. These outcomes fall under the 4 pillars outlined in CPO’s strategic plan. Our hope is to achieve more holistic and coordinated, community-based approaches that are customized to address the needs from the individual- to societal- and systemic-levels. Organizations requesting funding need to ensure that their project aligns with one or more of outcomes below.

Gender-Based Violence
  1. Social and community norms shift to combat gender-based violence.
  1. Young people are equipped to form (and maintain) safe and healthy relationships.
  1. Enhanced capacity to address online gender-based violence, abuse, trauma, exploitation, and harassment.
  1. Young people (& families) are meaningfully engaged in their communities through employment, education, mentorship and social/recreation programs.
  1. Young people have the skills and supports to overcome systemic barriers, to lead, and participate in decisions that impact them.
  1. Parents and Caregivers (particularly mothers) have the social, spiritual, economic, health, and mental health supports to care for their families.
  1. Neighbourhoods have a safe and welcoming physical environment.
  1. Residents and service providers are cohesive, engaged, and able to respond to emerging community needs.
Vulnerable Adults
  1. Vulnerable adults have access to services and meaningful connections that support self-sufficiency.
  1. Vulnerable adults have access to meaningful social connections to address isolation, elder abuse/fraud, addiction/mental health, trauma, or homelessness.

Approval Process

Important dates and deadlines

Registration is now CLOSED. Our information sessions will be held virtually on Zoom.

Click here to register for the February 16 – noon information session. 

Click here to register for the February 28 – 6 pm information session.


We will be providing appropriate support to grantees based on their experience level and grant stream. 

Applicant and Grantee Supports

We will be providing appropriate guidance and supports.

Need Inspiration for a Project? Check out these reports!