2023-2024 Request for Peer Tutoring - Commerce Court

Please complete this form to request a Peer Tutor.

Please ensure that all mandatory fields are filled out.
Please indicate if you are registered with any of the following services
Please indicate the first course you are currently enrolled in.
Please list the instructor that corresponds with course #1 above.
Please indicate the second course you are currently enrolled in.
Please list the instructor that corresponds with course #2 above.
Please indicate the third course you are currently enrolled in.
Please list the instructor that corresponds with course #3 above.
Please confirm which campus you are currently attending. If you are in the online Recreation Therapy, Recreation and Leisure or Business program please select Commerce Court.
By checking this box, I agree to the following: (1) I understand that completing the application form is the first step. (2) I will regularly check my College email for correspondence from my tutor and/or Student Success. (3) I will attend classes and complete assignments as required—tutoring cannot help otherwise. (4) I will be on time and prepared for my scheduled tutoring session. (5) I will notify the tutor at least 24 hours in advance if I must cancel my appointment. (6) I understand that Student Success staff may discuss my academic needs with my professor(s), and/or sponsoring agency (if applicable). (7) I understand that the Student Success staff will make every effort to match me with a qualified tutor. However, it cannot be guaranteed that a tutor will be available for every course.