
Primary Rental Market
Summary Statistics

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Vancouver — Rental Market Statistics Summary by Zone

  Vacancy Rate (%) Availability Rate (%) Average Rent ($) Median Rent ($) % Change Units
Vancouver 0.9 a ** 1,828 a 1,715 a 9.5 a 123,867
West End/Stanley Park 0.5 a ** 1,828 a 1,750 a 10.8 d 3,910
English Bay 0.9 a ** 2,020 a 1,925 b ** 6,864
Downtown 1.4 a ** 2,143 a 2,100 a 12.6 c 12,251
South Granville/Oak 0.4 a ** 1,779 a 1,691 a 6.9 c 9,017
Kitsilano/Point Grey 0.9 a ** 1,987 a 1,810 b 10.9 d 7,542
Westside/Kerrisdale 1.1 a ** 2,079 a 1,940 b 5.1 c 3,407
Marpole 1.1 d ** 1,396 a 1,375 b ** 3,869
Mount Pleasant/Renfrew Heights 0.5 a ** 1,760 a 1,680 a ** 7,378
East Hastings 0.4 a ** 1,719 a 1,600 a 10.6 c 6,034
Southeast Vancouver 0.4 a ** 1,768 a 1,677 b 6.5 b 3,556
University Endowment Lands 0.3 a ** 2,413 a 2,550 a 5.3 c 1,475
Central Park/Metrotown 1.7 c ** 1,645 a 1,500 b 9.7 c 5,056
Southeast Burnaby 0.3 b ** 1,469 b 1,438 b 12.8 d 2,184
North Burnaby 1.0 a ** 1,752 a 1,700 a 10.1 c 4,142
New Westminster 0.8 a ** 1,622 a 1,525 a 11.9 c 9,956
North Vancouver CY 0.6 a ** 1,879 a 1,800 b 5.1 d 6,959
North Vancouver DM 2.8 b ** 2,332 a 2,228 b 6.6 c 2,429
West Vancouver 0.7 a ** 2,488 a 2,300 a 6.6 b 2,651
Richmond 0.2 b ** 1,862 a 1,870 b ** 3,513
Delta 0.4 a ** 1,523 a 1,430 b 11.4 d 1,742
Surrey 1.5 a ** 1,565 a 1,550 a 7.6 c 7,345
White Rock 1.2 a ** 1,460 b 1,350 b ** 1,427
Langley City and Langley DM 1.4 a ** 1,795 a 1,775 b 8.9 c 4,064
Tri-Cities 0.5 a ** 1,782 a 1,750 a 12.0 c 5,194
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows 1.0 a ** 1,460 a 1,484 a 14.3 c 1,902
  • The following letter codes are used to indicate the reliability of the estimates: a — Excellent, b — Very good, c — Good, d — Poor (Use with Caution))
  • ** — Data suppressed to protect confidentiality or data not statistically reliable
  • ++ — Change in rent is not statistically significant. This means that the change in rent is not statistically different than zero (0). (Applies only to % Change of Average Rent Tables).
  • CMA, CA and CSD definitions are based on 2021 Census Geography Definitions
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