Communiqué - August 2023 
For CPF Network Leaders (Branch Board Directors and ED, National Board and Office Staff)

The Canadian Parents for French National Board has a vision for a strong, equitable and resilient Network, focused on building shared leadership, supporting engaged membership and volunteers, and delivering relevant, quality programming to parents and youth learning and using French.

Canada's Official Languages Day - Our languages, a window to the world

 In 2009, the second Thursday in September was declared  “Linguistic Duality Day” across the Public Service of Canada. In 2022, it was renamed “Official Languages Day”. This day is an opportunity to promote our official languages and celebrate our rich linguistic heritage across the country.

Once again, the Linguistic Duality Network is working with the Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions and the Public Service Commission of Canada to offer an virtual event to mark the day. The virtual event from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (ET) is free and open to the general public. Join the 2,500+ audience to learn more from a panel of young bilinguals, hear greetings from the Commissioner of Official Languages and enjoy two bilingual cultural performances.

Click here to register.


The Linguistic Duality Network OL Day Kit offers bilingual activities targeted to youth in grades 4 to 9. The fun bilingual poster and resources have been designed by illustrator Marc Keelan-Bishop bringing to life our ‘bonhomme’ mascot. The take-home elements of the kit allow families to continue the celebration by recognizing the importance of our official languages in the lives of Canadians each and every day.

The kits’ availability was promoted in the spring via LDN social media accounts and thanks to added support from CPF Branches, 330 kits are being distributed this week to schools and community groups in every province and territory in time for the big day’s celebration.
ACTION: CPF Branches are invited to share the registration information to increase participation in the virtual event and on September 14th to use the official tags - #OLDay  / #JournéeLO – on their social media posts sharing how they are marking the special day.

Passing of Keith Spicer, First Commissioner of Official Languages
CPF is mourning the loss of Keith Spicer, a most important official languages champion, the first Commissioner of Official Languages and the man whose vision brought forward the establishment of our grassroots, volunteer organization in 1977.
As seen in our CPF How it All Started video, the parents who worked directly with him in the seventies share fond memories of how he empowered them to share their voices and how he supported their desire for every Canadian child to have the opportunity to learn French, regardless of where they lived in the country. He had such a strong vision and he was tenacious in moving projects forward. He was known for his knowledge, dedication and passion, and strived to see a Canada where all of its residents support and appreciate official bilingualism.
Mr. Spicer continued to support CPF, checking in every so often to ask about our challenges and priorities. In 2020, he agreed to conduct interviews to allow us to expand our historical archives and he joined our virtual conference delegates who were most delighted to have the opportunity to chat with this official language icon who changed and improved the course of education in Canada.
CPF National released a formal statement and we thank CPF Branches who also recognized his passing. The National office has communicated with his family on behalf of the CPF Network to share our most sincere condolences.

Official and Indigenous Languages Education in Canada – Discussion Paper
Much of this last year’s CPF National Advocacy and Research Working Group’s efforts was the completion of the draft ‘Discussion Paper’, Official and Indigenous Languages Education in Canada. It is intended to spark meaningful reflection on our held beliefs and orientations to language learnings, and questions to consider in relation to CPF and our role, mandate and Network beliefs.
The Paper is posted on the CPF National Website, with a clear introduction to ensure context and understanding as we discuss this complex topic. During the week of September 25 to 30th, 2023, CPF will be sharing the document in an all CPF Member email and excerpts on social media as part of our actions to mark Truth and Reconciliation Day 2023.
ACTION: All CPF Branches are asked to review and discuss this paper with their Branch Board of Directors during the month of September and provide feedback and insights for further actions at the upcoming Council of Presidents (CoP) Meeting, date to be confirmed for late October.

The CPF National is returning to regular office hours as of the week of September 4, 2023.

Thank you for your commitment to Canadian Parents for French and to improving access to quality French as a second language learning for all those who call Canada home.
CPF is a registered charitable organization (Charity Reg. No. – 118835131 RR0001). As an organization, we remain truly grateful to donors for their ongoing generosity. A tax receipt is issued for donations of $20 or more. To give, visit
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