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Ordinary people. A big God. Real impact.

Francoise Fortin-Michaud serves with her husband in Thailand with national pastors in need of encouragement. We recently caught up with her to hear about her experience with the IDENTITY course.

ZOE: Prior to taking the IDENTITY course, what was your absolute biggest challenge in terms of understanding "your part" in God's mission? 

Fran: Prior to taking the Identity course thought I was very much in favour of women leaders in the church. I am a pastor’s kid and had been surrounded by many strong women who have blazed the trail for women leaders of today. The revelation I got from the IDENTITY course is that I perceived these women as warriors and fighters for God’s kingdom. I don’t like confrontation and I seek harmony and peace and friendly relationships. I want to be kind and soft and pink all over. The warrior image just didn’t fit my understanding of who I want to be. As the course progressed I realized I saw myself not as a leader but as a good "second fiddle." My biggest challenge was to accept the reality that God was calling me to be a leader. God was telling me I needed to take on full responsibility for the talents and abilities He has invested in me.
How did that challenge make you feel?

Surprisingly, instead of feeling fear or apprehension I feel liberated. I feel I now have permission, or God’s approval, to give my all and hold nothing back when I have a dream or project I want to invest myself in. I feel free and happy and watch out here I come…

What changed after taking the IDENTITY course?

It took me a few days to digest the new idea that I could be me and yet be a leader. Every time I sat quietly to pray I would remember times over the years when pastors or coworkers had specifically told me I was a leader. I don’t know why this reality had never sunk in. I think the IDENTITY course set me on the right track but I’m still in shock as to the implications of this new identity. I feel like a teenager trying to walk in three inch heals for the first time. I’m used to pushing the leader ahead. I still doubt pushing myself forwards. I am confident I can do this and I know God has placed me in this position for a purpose. I will trust and obey Him as I intentionally risk leadership in the future.

What would you say to somebody on the fence about taking the IDENTITY course?

I would say “go girl go”. Close your eyes and jump. All you have to lose is your self-imposed comfort zone. Growth is always scary but it is also always a good thing.

Thanks Fran!
Watch for our next Facilitator Training Groups beginning in the Spring!

We are celebrating!

A great big THANK YOU to all those who gave so generously to the ZOE Projects Christmas Campaign. Because of your generosity of over $6500, we were able to:

  • Provide girls in Honduras with school supplies and sewing machines.
  • Support young pregnant women in Uganda with health baskets.
  • Equip the Yangon Bakehouse (a skills-training program in Myanmar) with beds and a stove.
  • Grant scholarships for women attending theological training in India and Africa.
  • Invest in the start up costs of the Flourish Course in the region of northern Africa.
We did this together! Grateful for a generous God who is so generous with us.

 “Sell your possessions and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven never get old or develop holes. Your treasure will be safe; no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it.
Luke 12:33 [NLT]

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