Indigenous and Community Relationships

The mining industry is proportionally the largest private-sector industrial employer of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Over 16,500 Indigenous peoples are employed by Canada’s mining sector, representing 12% of the industry’s labour force – three times the average industry rate. Did You Know? Indigenous and Community Relationships What is Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM)? A globally recognized sustainability program that helps mining companies manage their environmental and social responsibilities and evaluate and publicly report their performance A mandatory requirement for companies in a growing number of mining associations around the world, offering tools to drive continuous performance improvements Indigenous and Community Relationships The TSM Indigenous and Community Relationships Protocol lays out a clear set of criteria for companies to: • Identify groups and individuals with an interest in decisions related to mining operations – for example, Indigenous peoples, community members, employees • Support meaningful relationships with these groups and individuals, with a specific focus on Indigenous peoples and communities, their rights and working with a view to obtaining their consent • Work with communities to mitigate potential negative impacts and to optimize social benefits related to mining operations • Respond to feedback and concerns raised by communities Raising the Bar: Mining and Indigenous Peoples What does good practice look like? • A demonstrated commitment to aim to obtain the Free, Prior and Informed Consent of directly affected Indigenous peoples for new projects and expansions where impacts to rights may occur • A respons e to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action 92 iii, which calls for the corporate sector to provide education and skills-based training for managers and staff in areas such as Indigenous history and intercultural competency • Stronger commitments to collaborate with communities , including in the management of mining-related impacts and benefits and designing the processes through which they wish to engage on matters of interest • Implementation of leading engagement practices to build meaningful relationships