Online Worship Directory

Please go to the new Online Worship Directory page found here (click).



Nourishing Health & Ministry Practices

In the church, and in church leadership, we are also making sense of our communal relationship to COVID-19, and bolstering our health and awareness in church and ministry practices for the benefit of all. We are multi-generational communities of faith and ministry who meet for worship, work and community. We are unique in being one of the few places in society where we gather across generational divides, and many in our church are seniors and elders. We make decisions based on care taking, as much as possible, of all our members. Sometimes that requires a lot of creativity, extra communication and mindful limits. When we think about coming together as our church, navigating public interactions and close greetings, we invite you to remember that we can share the word of God and love of Jesus in creative and positive ways that aren’t limited by COVID-19 or any flu.

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