Teaching Tools

PHE Learning Centre

Growth and development of the body can be a difficult topic to teach, especially in the at-home learning context. Healthy bodies education provides support for educators and explores body awareness, healthy and safe relationships, and personal choices about one’s body. 

The Healthy Bodies Education Activities will provide students with an opportunity to be introduced to, and expand their knowledge of, various growth and development topics, learning the following important competencies:

  • Think - Students will develop cognitive skills and strategies that facilitate knowledge in regards, but not limited to, consent, boundaries, body awareness, and acceptance.
  • Feel - Students will develop affective skills and strategies that facilitate the following, but are not limited to: healthy relationships, overall well-being, and personal choice.
  • Act - Students will practice behaviour skills and strategies that facilitate the following, but are not limited to: personal hygiene health, accessing support resources, self-respect, and respecting the choices of others.  

The following activities can be used both a home and school learning environment. 

Healthy Bodies Education Activities





Additional Healthy Bodies Resources

Submit Your Ideas
If you have an activity that you would like to share, let us know. Click here to submit your student or teacher activity.

Teaching Considerations
This is a new dynamic in which we are working. As such, there are additional considerations that need to be taken into account within this adapted teaching and learning environment, along with the regular instructional considerations in a typical education environment. Please ensure to address and factor in the following teaching considerations as appropriate to your students and education programming: