RNS Progress Report

Research Nova Scotia (RNS) Progress Report          
Information is used for reporting, program planning, and improvement. A progress report is required before any subsequent funding is released. Please refer to your original funding agreement for any other terms and conditions related to your grant.
Thank you in advance for your time in completing this report. If you have any questions, please contact apply@researchns.ca.

For each question below with a text box response, the character limit is 9,000 (approximately 1200 words to 2250 words). To increase the size of a text box, click and drag the bottom-right corner. 

*1) Principal Investigator's First and Last Name:

*2) Please note the RNS file number below (i.e. #2022-1234). File numbers are available in the original funding agreement for your grant.


3) In the space below, please describe the progress to date for each objective outlined in your original funding application.

Results must be listed in the following format: "Objective/Milestone – Progress to date"

  • If you do not have a copy of your original application to RNS, please email apply@researchns.ca
  • If a stated objective has not been achieved, please provide details on the progress that has been made to date, and details of where you currently are in the methodology. If you can, please provide any key findings.
  • If progress has been delayed, please describe the reason(s) why and how this will be addressed.

*4) Do your expenses for this reporting period align with your submitted budget?

If no to the question above, please briefly describe any variances:

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