Creating and renewing non-profit social and co-op housing

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Consultation has concluded

Vancouver is experiencing a severe shortage of housing that’s affordable to low- and moderate- income renters. Over 50,000 renter households in the city pay more than 30% of their income on rent, with little income left over for other cost of living expenses. This means that many are struggling to make ends meet or living in housing that doesn’t meet their needs.

One important source of non-market housing is housing owned and operated by non-profit societies and co-ops. Non-profit housing can accommodate a broad range of housing needs, including those of families, seniors, and singles who cannot afford market rental or ownership housing. However, there is a shortage of non-profit housing in Vancouver, and much of the existing non-profit housing in the city is aging and may be in need of renewal in coming years.

We're working on changes to streamline the development process for new non-profit housing in zoning districts covering select low-rise apartment areas across the city - RM-3A, RM-4, and RM-4N.

These areas consist of three storey condominium and rental apartment buildings. The proposed zoning amendments would allow non-profit social and co-op housing up to six storeys. This approach would be consistent with existing City policies and community plans, which prioritize the delivery of social and co-op housing for low and moderate income households.

Map of RM-3A/4/4N Zoning outlined in purple and yellow

These changes are intended to help existing non-profit societies and co-ops renew existing buildings and build more housing over time, to ensure the city has enough safe and secure non-market homes today and into the future.

Approved at Public Hearing April 20, 2021

Council approved the amendments to the RM-4, RM-4N, and RM-3A to allow up to six stories for 100% social housing projects on April 20, 2021. The details of the public hearing can be found in the public hearing meeting minutes. The enactment of the proposal is set for May 18, 2021.

Vancouver is experiencing a severe shortage of housing that’s affordable to low- and moderate- income renters. Over 50,000 renter households in the city pay more than 30% of their income on rent, with little income left over for other cost of living expenses. This means that many are struggling to make ends meet or living in housing that doesn’t meet their needs.

One important source of non-market housing is housing owned and operated by non-profit societies and co-ops. Non-profit housing can accommodate a broad range of housing needs, including those of families, seniors, and singles who cannot afford market rental or ownership housing. However, there is a shortage of non-profit housing in Vancouver, and much of the existing non-profit housing in the city is aging and may be in need of renewal in coming years.

We're working on changes to streamline the development process for new non-profit housing in zoning districts covering select low-rise apartment areas across the city - RM-3A, RM-4, and RM-4N.

These areas consist of three storey condominium and rental apartment buildings. The proposed zoning amendments would allow non-profit social and co-op housing up to six storeys. This approach would be consistent with existing City policies and community plans, which prioritize the delivery of social and co-op housing for low and moderate income households.

Map of RM-3A/4/4N Zoning outlined in purple and yellow

These changes are intended to help existing non-profit societies and co-ops renew existing buildings and build more housing over time, to ensure the city has enough safe and secure non-market homes today and into the future.

Approved at Public Hearing April 20, 2021

Council approved the amendments to the RM-4, RM-4N, and RM-3A to allow up to six stories for 100% social housing projects on April 20, 2021. The details of the public hearing can be found in the public hearing meeting minutes. The enactment of the proposal is set for May 18, 2021.

Consultation has concluded
  • Public Hearing Details

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    On March 9th, 2021 City Council referred the proposed zoning amendments to a Public Hearing, which will be taking place on April 15th starting at 6PM. This item is scheduled as fourth on the agenda.

    Due to COVID-19, a Public Health Order currently prohibits members of the public from attending the City’s Public Hearings in person. Members of the public can listen and watch the proceedings via the City’s website or follow Twitter @VanCityClerk. Speakers can participate by telephone or by providing written submissions.

    To participate in the Public Hearing process, you can register to speak beginning at 8:30 am on April 1st, 2021 until 5:00 pm on the day of the Public Hearing:

    You can also send written comments to Council at or by emailing or by mail to: City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office, 453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4.

    Get live updates on the meeting at or follow Twitter @VanCityClerk. Watch the meeting live at

  • Referred to Public Hearing

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    On March 9, 2021 City Council referred this application to a Public Hearing. The referral report on the Amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law to Increase Social Housing in the RM-4 and RM-3A Zoning Districts is available on the City's website. The targeted public hearing date will be mid-April.

    Give feedback to City Council:

    Send your comments online(External link)

    or via mail to:

    City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office

    453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor

    Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4

    Or request to speak, starting approximately one week before the meeting.

    Your comments and name will be published in the meeting record.

  • Council referral report now live

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    The referral report on the Amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law to Increase Social Housing in the RM-4 and RM-3A Zoning Districts is now posted on the City's website. The matter will go before Council on Tuesday, March 9th.

    Should Council vote to refer the matter to a public hearing, the targeted public hearing date will be in Mid-April. Please stay tuned for details on how to send comments to Council, or how speak before Council for the public hearing.

  • Share your comments

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    Let us know your thoughts on the proposed zoning changes in RM-3A, RM-4, and RM-4N zoning districts for non-profit social and co-op housing. The comment forms will be open until December 7th (*Note - this date has been extended to December 14th)

    For more information on the proposals and details on previous public consultation, please check out these resources:

  • Virtual neighbourhood workshops

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    Following the survey in September 2020, the City is holding online neighbourhood workshops in communities that contain a number of apartments where the changes would apply.

    The purpose of these virtual neighbourhood workshops is to provide an overview of non-profit housing in Vancouver, the zoning changes being considered, and hear feedback on the proposals and how they relate to different neighbourhoods.

    Each workshop will consist of a staff presentation and small group discussions between participants.

    How to get involved

    All online neighbourhood workshops will be hosted by the City on Cisco WebEx. To register, please click on the Eventbrite link and follow the registration instructions.

    • Marpole - November 17th, 2020 (6:00 - 7:15 PM) - Register here
    • Grandview-Woodland - November 19th, 2020 (6:00 - 7:15 PM) - Register here
    • Kitsilano - November 24th, 2020 (6:00 - 7:15 PM) - Register here
    • Mount Pleasant - November 25th, 2020 (6:00 - 7:15 PM) - Register here

    There will be 50 spaces available for each session. To ensure a diversity of perspectives, 25 spaces will be reserved for individuals who own their home and 25 spaces will be reserved for individuals living in rental or co-op housing.

    Registration is open to all and is not limited to those who live in the area. We encourage anyone who is interested in non-profit housing in these areas to register and attend.

    As the number of spaces is limited for these workshops, registration will be limited to one session per person. We also ask that individuals only register if they intend on attending the workshop, and unregister if plans change and you are unable to attend. If space for the workshop is filled but you would like to attend, please sign up for the waitlist through the Eventbrite link.

    Other opportunities to share your thoughts

    If you can’t make it to one of our neighbourhood workshops, there will also be an opportunity to review staff’s presentation materials and provide comments online from November 16th – December 7th. More details will be available on this webpage in the coming weeks.


    If you have any questions about the workshops, you can contact City of Vancouver Housing Policy staff at

  • Talk Vancouver survey is live

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    We want to hear from you

    *UPDATE* The Talk Vancouver Survey is now closed, and the Talk Vancouver survey platform is down for the time being. Stay tuned for further updates and survey results

    A Talk Vancouver survey is currently open for public feedback on proposed changes to existing RM-4, RM-4N, and RM-3A areas to allow six storeys for non-profit social and co-op housing. The survey will be open through September 27.