
   Co-operative  Education

Course Overview

Co-operative Education is an experiential mode of learning, delivered under the Ministry of Education subject guidelines, that integrates academic study and classroom theory with experiences at the work site. Students are placed in a training station where they are provided with challenging responsibilities and learn by doing. In this way, learning and experience are combined in an educationally beneficial way.

Course Selection 

During course selection students can choose a 2-credit co-op GWL302 or a 4-Credit GWL304. Students need to attend our pre-course planning assembly delivered in June and December. This information session will help students plan for their upcoming involvement in the co-op program. Once completed they should have a conversation with their Co-op teacher to discuss a plan going forward. We recommend students looking into a trade select 4 credits. These students also should consider that they may need their own transportation to get to and from the worksite. 

Class Overview

During start-up students will cover curriculum on Health and Safety, Resume and Interviews, WHMIS, Personal Hygiene, Human Rights, and Entry into the Trades. This is called Pre-placement. Once complete, students enter into a hands-on learning environment(worksite) arranged through a combination of teacher interviews and questionnaires. The teacher will conduct site visits throughout the semester documenting the learning that is taking place. Approximately once a month the students will return to school and participate in what we call our Integration days. These days allow the teachers to get the students to reflect and discuss with each other their experiences. The additional curriculum is delivered during these days as well. The students must accumulate a total of 220 hours for two credits and 440 hours for a four-credit class. No additional credits will be granted if the student accumulated more hours than they need for their enrolled course.

We have work placements in many different areas, ranging from personal care, trades, personal services, clerical, retail, education, and many more. Come see a Co-op teacher to see what is right for you.

Meet your teachers...

Dennis Leclair

Co-operative Education Curriculum Chair


ext 40188


Kelly McGitchie


ext 40056


Dave Morrison


ext 40192


Derek Smith


ext. 40087