April 18, 2024
myWCB Sign In help

Enter your UserID and Password to sign in to myWCB

The UserID is required.

The UserID is too short. The minimum length is 6 characters.

The UserID is too long. The maximum length is 32 characters.

The UserID contains invalid characters.

The Password is required.

The Password minimum length is 8 characters

The Password maximum length is 32 characters.

The Password contains special characters other than !@$%&*+?

By logging in or having access to myWCB, I am agreeing to these Terms and Conditions (effective April 1, 2018).

For assistance, please contact our eBusiness Support Team:

Email: ebusiness.support@wcb.ab.ca
Tel: 780-498-7688, toll-free in Alberta: 1-866-922-9221
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., weekdays
Fax: 780-498-7866
General Announcements

Disable pop-up blocker

For optimal performance using myWCB, please disable your browser's pop-up blocker.

Forgot your password?

If you don't remember your myWCB password, please use the Forgot Password? option. A new password will be emailed to you.

Please verify your login using one of the options below.


Send a code via Email to

Text message

Authenticator app

Security authentication

Please text a code to…
Send a code via Email to
Provide your code from your Authenticator app
