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2023 Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25 Winners

Nova Scotia

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Anna Brozek

Anna Brozek she/her

Age: 15 Location: Nova Scotia Traditional Territory: Kjipuktuk (Halifax) is located in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded territory of L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq). This land is governed by the Peace and Friendship Treaties and has been actively stewarded by L’nu’k since time immemorial.

Anna is a researcher and student leader who has been involved with different areas of climate activism since her participation in SuperNOVA & CRDF Global’s Girl’s Entrepreneurship: Climate Careers program, where she became passionate about the correlations between business, policy, and climate change. The insights and experiences she gained from the program led to her founding Planet in Mind, a successful not-for-profit organization educating Canadians on environmental sustainability and responsibility, with plans to host climate conferences for youth in 2024.

Now, as a research volunteer at the GLOCAL Foundation of Canada, an organization dedicated to empowering young newcomers, Anna has been able to dig deeper into her interest in the intersection between politics and climate action. She co-authored a paper on Canada’s climate response policies, focusing on Quebec, sole authored a paper on the impact of climate change on Quebec’s tourism industry, and is currently leading a research project on the impact of climate change on marginalized communities in Canada. From her time at GLOCAL, Anna understands the need for inclusivity and collaboration in the climate movement. Her commitment to this is seen in her role as co-organizer of an upcoming climate seminar at COVE, focused on giving a platform to underrepresented voices.

Anna brings a thorough, creative, and intersectional lens to all the work she does. Her areas of interest include climate policy, youth leadership, corporate responsibility, design, and collaborative climate action.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Molly Foster

Molly Foster she/her

Age: 22 Location: Nova Scotia Traditional Territory: Kjipuktuk, located in Mi’kma’ki. Ancestral land stewarded by L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq) for time immemorial.

Molly Foster is an artist, writer, and environmentalist living in Kjipuktuk (Halifax). She began her journey to becoming an eco-professional while working a summer job at an environmental agency called ACAP Cape Breton; two summers of monitoring endangered birds, doing field work, and teaching conservation to kids, spiralled into a lifelong devotion to cultivating more environmentalists through public education and outreach work. While at ACAP, Molly and her coworker, Ally Chant, identified a gap in the Nova Scotian education system: a lack of community-based education that extends beyond broad, baseline eco-education to address the specific environmental issues that Atlantic Canada faces. With this in mind, Molly and Ally joined forces with Ocean Wise Canada to create a children’s book called Every Little Bit, which covers topics like shoreline health and microplastics in an uplifting way, and includes real litter cleanup organizations and statistics in Nova Scotia. Due to the widespread success of the book, they were able to co-found a non-profit organization called Ripple Environmental Education which provides workshops, keynote speeches, and book readings, along with creating more community-based education resources. Molly graduates from a Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies at Dalhousie University in May of 2024, and spent her recent co-op term working on the Ecology Action Centre’s Energy & Climate team. There, she has been helping faith organizations across Atlantic Canada navigate how to retrofit and decarbonize their buildings.

British Columbia

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Annabelle Liao

Annabelle Liao she/her

Age: 22 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: Musqueam

Annabelle is in the final year of obtaining her undergraduate degree in BSc Global Resource Systems. Her experience includes launching a university campus-wide capacity-building program for student groups to better align their environmental and social impact with institutional climate targets, managing sustainability projects and facilities for Western Canada’s largest student union, and researching private and public sector collaboration towards net-zero. After recently returning from COP28 as a youth delegate, she is now even more passionate about doing meaningful work that helps communities receive the resources they need to successfully mitigate the effects of climate change. Upon graduation, she hopes to continue working at the intersection of climate action and community wealth-building in order to catalyze a sustainable future for the global village.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Brennan Strandberg-Salmon

Brennan Strandberg-Salmon he/him

Age: 23 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: I am a settler on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples, including the səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations.

Brennan is a researcher, project manager, and volunteer coordinator with a passion for youth-led climate justice advocacy and climate policy. Brennan is a recent graduate of the Bachelor of Environment program at Simon Fraser University (SFU), majoring in Resource and Environmental Management with a Minor in Dialogue and certificate in Corporate Social and Environmental Sustainability. He works as a Policy Analyst for Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Policy Priorities team and Integrated Climate Lens team. Past green jobs include Water Efficiency Advisor for the City of Vancouver’s Greenest City Action Plan, Climate Emergency Policy Analyst for the BC Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) where he produced a climate change guide for industry associations, and Project Coordinator for ECCC to help organize the World Circular Economy Forum 2021.

Outside of work, he co-leads the youth Climate Change Branch of BCCIC, which empowers young people to build skills for climate careers and advocate for equitable climate action through hands-on research, communications, and delegations to international climate change conferences. At university, Brennan led efforts with student club SFU350 to successfully mobilize SFU to commit to fossil fuel divestment and declare a climate emergency. Brennan thrives in outdoor environments and enjoys hiking, dragon boating, water skiing, and exploring nature locally and during travels abroad.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Chloë Fraser

Chloë Fraser she/her

Age: 22 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: I am now grateful to live, learn, and play in Vancouver on the traditional and unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations.

Chloë Fraser is a climate storyteller and facilitator committed to uplifting young environmentalists across Canada.

Chloë works in communications at the Pacific Salmon Foundation, where she helps position an iconic keystone species at the frontline of climate change. She also facilitates climate workshops with CityHive Vancouver and volunteers as an editor for The Starfish magazine. Driven by her belief in high-impact storytelling, Chloë has written pithy copy for a range of projects, including a science museum exhibit on mining and climate justice. In 2023, she built and led an accredited seminar at UBC called “Writing Climate Change.” Together with her class, Chloë dissected environmental history and marketing best practices to help defeat fossil fuel narratives. After volunteering in communications for the Vancouver Climate Strike, she continues to plot climate media campaigns and run storytelling workshops for various audiences.

Chloë holds a BA in Economics from Sciences Po Paris and recently graduated from the University of British Columbia with a BA in International Relations and Creative Writing.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Enya Fang

Enya Fang she/her

Age: 16 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: The traditional and unceded territories of the Semiahmoo, Kwantlen, Katzie, and Tsawwassen First Nations.

Enya Fang co-founded Evergreen Collective, an international youth nonprofit with 6 chapters and over 100 volunteers from around the globe. She has fundraised $6800+ for disaster relief, published 50+ climate articles, and interviewed UNICEF ambassadors and MPs for varying webinars. She also recently organized a free provincial STEM conference featuring environmental keynotes and ideathons. Additionally, Enya serves as a representative to the Climate Action Accelerator Program, speaking and participating in national workshops on climate policy reform. She is one of 5 student members of her school’s Environmental Stewardship Committee, leading initiatives like anti-idling campaigns and E-waste drives to help her school achieve the highest possible Platinum ranking in EcoSchools. Aside from direct activism, Enya is passionate about communicating environmental reform through her writing. Chosen out of 3000 entries, she was the 2020 LTMAD National Champion for her essay on Stella Bowles, a Nova-Scotian teen who lobbied the government to clean the LaHave River. Enya was also 1 of 10 shortlisted nationally for the 2021 CBC First Page Contest, for which she illustrated a world made uninhabitable by climate negligence. Outside of environmentalism, Enya regularly represents Canada at international speech and debate tournaments.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Jasmine Rodman

Jasmine Rodman she/her

Age: 19 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: I grew up on and call the land of the Lkwungen, W̱SÁNEĆ, and Sc'ianew people home

Jasmine Rodman is an artist, student, entrepreneur, storyteller, and National Geographic Explorer. She grew up exploring the gorgeous ocean, forests, and mountains around her home on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. At age 15, she started her own sustainable small business, Ocean Child Creative, using her art to start conversations about the ocean and raise funds for non-profits. Following this experience, she has worked with numerous youth councils and organizations worldwide, such as World Ocean Day and Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs. Her focus is ocean education and supporting other young changemakers, and most recently addressed these issues with her project Turning Tides, a multimedia exploration of youth advocacy.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Nicole David

Nicole David she/her

Age: 22 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: I reside on the traditional territories of the Semiahmoo, Katzie and Kwantlen First Nations.

Driven by the urgency of the climate crisis, Nicole is dedicated to empowering youth voices to catalyze meaningful climate action. Witnessing the devastation of the BC Wildfires in her community, she and her team led a global survey to evaluate eco-emotions among youth in the climate crisis, revealing a pressing need to address eco-anxiety. As Solastalgia’s Co-Founder and Strategic Engagement Director, Nicole spearheads outreach initiatives focused on eco-emotions, climate justice, and eco-engagement among youth. Their flagship initiative Solastalgia Zine was featured across influential platforms such as the Yale University Forum of Religion & Ecology and the Climate Psychology Alliance of North America. Beyond Solastalgia, she helps secure compensation for First Nations’ historical land claims as a Junior Analyst in the Government of Canada, advancing progress for reconciliation. She is also an Impact Consulting fellow at Propel Impact where she works with social purpose organizations to develop sustainable long-term strategies. This year, she was part of the Leaders of Tomorrow Outreach Committee at the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade and was a scholarship recipient at Yale University’s Global Environmental Justice Conference where she shared her insights on climate justice with other climate leaders.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Paige Hunter

Paige Hunter she/her

Age: 24 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: I live on the unceded territories of the qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), q̓íc̓əy̓ (Katzie), Semiahmoo, and Stó:lō Nations on the banks of the lower Stó:lō/Fraser River.

Paige is a passionate community leader in climate education and youth engagement. A climate activist since high school, her advocacy for accessible climate education took off when she became the Education Working Group lead at SFU350, co-developing climate education materials with the SFU Sustainability Office for all students, staff, and faculty. Her leadership both on and off campus led her to be one of SFU’s first-ever student delegates for their inaugural delegation at COP27. Her time at COP27 led her to co-produce the upcoming documentary “Stories of Change” about domestic climate solutions in Bangladesh and co-found the Sword Fern Collective, a hope-centered and arts-focused climate education consultancy. Her past projects include work on climate justice and nature-based solutions with SFU’s ACT – Action on Climate Team, climate resilience with the BC Ministry of Forests, and ecological conservation with the Department of National Defence. She is a proud member of the Metro Vancouver Youth and Education Advisory Panel and a mentor in the Vancouver School Board Sustainability Connections. Since graduating with her Bachelor of Environment degree in Resource and Environmental Management (Honours), Paige has joined Environment and Climate Change Canada as a Research Analyst in the Youth Engagement Unit and regularly speaks to high school and university classes about climate hope.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Serena Chin

Serena Chin she/her

Age: 16 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: I currently reside on the unceded territories of the šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaɁɬ təməxʷ (Musqueam) nation.

Serena’s approach to environmentalism incorporates political advocacy, environmental education, and an appreciation of the natural sciences. She believes that a key piece to understanding our role in the fight against climate change is recognizing that individual action can be limited if not coupled with wider, systematic change. Her most significant achievement was spearheading the planting of the first Miyawaki Pocket Forest in Western Canada at her school using a forestry technique that utilizes high species density to incite interspecific competition and quickly increase growth and biodiversity, a project that educated over 100 people through propagation workshops, Equinox celebrations, and symposiums and reforested 100 metres-squared of land. As the leader of her school’s Green Team and Gardening Club, her team has collected and sorted over 40 kg of garbage from local parks, collected 56 signatures for a Just Transition petition campaign that was tabled by the Government of Canada, and hosted guest speakers from UBC, BCSEA, and Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute. Outside of school, Serena is a proud City of Richmond Green Ambassador and member of the Metro Vancouver Youth and Education Advisory Panel, where she engages with environmental education through public recycling education and collaborates with teachers and youth in discussions about how to best approach climate resilience through lenses such as education, youth engagement, and infrastructural development. She is grateful to have participated in invaluable climate discussions through her participation in the 2023 Metro Vancouver Zero Waste Conference and roundtable with Minister of Environment and Climate Change, George Heyman. Serena hopes to combine her passion for science, specifically chemistry, and her passion for environmentalism in a research career.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Zoha Faisal

Zoha Faisal she/her

Age: 17 Location: British Columbia Traditional Territory: I'm a second generation Pakistani settler on the traditional, unceded, and occupied territories of the Katzie, Semiahmoo, and Kwantlen First Nations.

Zoha is a teenage climate and community organizer grounded in the knowledge that the climate justice movement is a people’s movement. As a co-founder of Climate Recentered, she has worked tirelessly to create an accessible and intersectional climate justice movement within her community that centers the voices of BIPOC and working-class communities bearing the forefront of the climate crisis. She works to build long-term mutual aid projects, growing local climate resilience by way of community care. Her work has ranged from research initiatives seeking to understand the impact of the climate crisis on residents of her city to ‘Community Fair Festivals’, an initiative she developed to deliver free groceries, clothing, and other necessities to neighbourhoods while creating a space for the exchange of culture, music, and art. She also spearheaded multiple mass mobilizations, educational workshops, and delegations to local governments for climate justice as a core coordinator of Sustainabiliteens.


Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Aubrey-Anne Laliberte-Pewapisconias

Aubrey-Anne Laliberte-Pewapisconias she/her

Age: 24 Location: Saskatchewan Traditional Territory: Treaty 6 Territory, the traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Dakota, Lakota, Nakota, and Homeland of the Métis

Aubrey-Anne Laliberte-Pewapisconias (she/her) is a nêhiyâskwew from Canoe Lake Cree First Nation and Little Pine First Nation. She is pursuing her Master of Sustainability in Energy Security at the University of Saskatchewan where her project focus is developing Energy Literacy Toolkits rooted with Indigenous knowledges for youth across what is currently called Canada to get involved in the space at a young age. She has also worked on a project with Indigenous Clean Energy to install a Level 2 Tesla EV Charger at the Meadow Lake Tribal Council office on Flying Dust First Nation.

She is a climate justice advocate, following her ancestral teachings of protecting Mother Earth for our future generations. Furthering this and promoting collaboration with Indigenous Peoples in climate action, she has attended COP27 to speak on this, held the role of Canada’s 2023 Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction negotiator at the G20 Youth Summit, and has graduated from the Generation Power program. Aubrey presently holds roles with Leading Change Canada as the Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and with Indigenous Clean Energy as the ImaGENation Program Manager. In each of these roles, she works with youth across the country on their journeys in the climate action space building solutions and advancing youth advocacy alongside many change-makers in the space.


Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Benjamin Gagné

Benjamin Gagné he/him

Age: 21 Location: Québec Traditional Territory: Wabanaki, N'dakina

I was born in Woodstock, Ontario, but grew up in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, making me bilingual. My love of the environment was greatly developed at Cégep de Granby with my involvement in Vert-Tige, the CEGEP’s environmental committee. It was on this committee, with the help of several inspiring people around me, that I helped introduce composting at the school and popularize a community fridge system that is now in full operation. With my interest piqued, I enrolled for a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies at the University of Sherbrooke, and I’m taking full advantage of the opportunity to develop skills that will help me to be a vector of ecological and social change. On a day-to-day basis, I invest every hour I can in various ecological committees on campus (despite my girlfriend’s advice!). Through my internships, I’ve discovered a love for various communications methods and see them as a key to implementing sustainable societal change. I’m already looking forward to graduating so I can make a career out of my passion for the environment and communications!

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Marie Maltais

Marie Maltais she/her

Age: 18 Location: Québec Traditional Territory: I live on the Nionwentsïo territory, an ancestral Huron-Wendat territory.

I’ve been involved in the environment since I was 13, and it was at 16 that I began to tackle the school curriculum. I conducted a consultation with young people in the province with the E3 committee, formed a few months earlier, to ensure that their voices were heard on the issue of environmental education, among others. I then requested a meeting with the Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, to present the results and ask for a review of science and technology programs. My involvement has led me to speak out on a number of occasions over the past year, and today I’m working on the creation of a student network to improve communication between school environment committees.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Owen Dan Luo

Owen Dan Luo he/him

Age: 24 Location: Québec Traditional Territory: The Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations.

Dr. Owen Dan Luo is a first-year Internal Medicine resident physician at McGill University. While providing patient care in hospitals and clinics around Montreal, Owen witnesses the growing health impacts of climate change on Canadians and the significant carbon footprint of healthcare delivery. This motivated him to design planetary health medical education competencies and the Climate Wise slides to prepare Canadian physicians to practice in a climate crisis as a past Co-Chair of the Canadian Federation of Medical Students Health and Environment Adaptive Response Taskforce. Owen has built grassroots movements to decarbonize healthcare by founding and co-directing Project Green Healthcare/Projet Vert la Santé, the first-of-its-kind national community of practice of medical students leading sustainability quality improvement projects in healthcare systems across Canada. He also shares his expertise in planetary health medical education and healthcare sustainability on numerous interdisciplinary national advisory boards. Owen aims to continue advocating for climate action and healthcare sustainability throughout his career as a physician.


Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Cameron Armstrong

Cameron Armstrong she/her

Age: 23 Location: Manitoba Traditional Territory: I am a BIPOC settler on Treaty 1 Territory, and also acknowledge the relationships between residing on Treaty 1 and other Treaty Lands.

Cameron Armstrong (she/her) is a third-generation, mixed Filipina environmentalist and youth advocate born and raised on Treaty 1 Territory in Winnipeg. She is interested in environmental justice, youth advocacy, water protection, and centring BIPOC youth in climate spaces. She is passionate about community-led solutions rooted in anti-oppression and restorative justice. Currently, Cameron is a Program Specialist at Youth Climate Lab where she works to amplify BIPOC youth voices in climate spaces through a program called From Root to Sky, and sits on EarthEcho International’s Youth Leadership Council where she works on ocean and water advocacy, policy, and education. She has worked on multiple projects focussed on freshwater protection in collaboration and partnership with Lake St. Martin First Nation and Dauphin River First Nation and has also completed externships with The National Geographic Society and The Nature Conservancy on freshwater conservation and the impacts of hydro development in Northern Manitoba. Cameron also works as the Manitoba Regional Organizer for Climate Reality Project Canada. Through this role, she sits on the Steering Committee for the Consider Climate, Manitoba campaign, a non-partisan, province-wide, grassroots campaign urging each political party to centre climate within all policy decisions.


Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Celine Isimbi

Celine Isimbi she/her

Age: 23 Location: Ontario Traditional Territory: I now am grateful to live and learn on the Haldimand Tract within the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee peoples.

Celine is an engaged community member dedicated to using her platforms, knowledge and creative, critical writing to support justice and environmental liberation in every space she moves through. As a student of the earth and a daughter of the African soil, she is a curious and engaged environmental storyteller. Her essay After Apartheid, Green Spaces are still white spaces, was published in the book Nature Is A Human Right. As a final year Bachelor of Environmental Studies Student at the University of Waterloo, Celine is completing her Senior Honours thesis titled The Children Remember: (Re)collecting Memory, Black Storytelling for Environmental Liberation. Celine has found home in Black storytelling practices as a pathway towards building collective power and reconciling our connections to the environment. She has taken on student leadership roles, serving as the coordinator for UWRAISE, a student-run service, and contributing to the organizing team for the Xchanges 2021 conference – Borders of Being – fostering solidarity within the university and the broader community with keynotes from Dr. Angela Davis and Ericka Hart. Celine actively participates in consultations and advisory groups, ensuring student voices remain influential in decision-making. Beyond her academic commitments, she engages with the global youth climate justice movement and is part of a network of environmental liberation organizers, artists, writers and strategists. She has also worked with Black-led youth organizations and is currently the co-lead organizer and co-founder of the Climate Justice Ecosystem at UW. Using the climate justice framework, this independent student group seeks to build student power for a sustainable, resilient and just UW.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Emel Tabaku

Emel Tabaku she/her

Age: 24 Location: Ontario Traditional Territory: I am grateful to live, work and study as an uninvited guest on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples.

Currently pursuing her Master of Public Policy at the University of Toronto – Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Emel also serves as the Founder and Executive Director of RCAD Initiative – a community arts nonprofit dedicated to addressing pressing social issues through art & design. As a network weaver, storyteller, and policymaker, Emel has been working at the intersection of social justice, sustainability and systems transformation for an extended period of time. In 2021, she was selected to participate in the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Conference exploring the nexus between human rights, climate change & refugees. To shed more light on the increased internal displacement and movement of people within the scope of Canadian climate policy, Emel launched RCAD Initiative’s first podcast episode: Interviews with Political Artists, featuring Tkaronto based cultural producer Hima Batavia, who elaborated on the relationship between performance art and climate migration. Among various environmental initiatives, Emel co-developed and published the #DigitalArt4Climate Environmental Advocacy Toolkit as Youth Climate Lab Artist-in-Residence, and has represented the Canadian Youth Delegation at high-profile events, including the 2023 World Trade Organization Public Forum, 2023 FAO World Food Forum, and the 2022 ChangemakersXChange Gender & Climate Action Summit. Today, she continues to expand RCAD Initiative’s environmental portfolio by spearheading the most recent project, “Breaking Barriers: Climate Finance and Gender Equity,” – a community research utilizing photovoice methodology.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Hannah Solway

Hannah Solway She/Her

Age: 24 Location: Ontario Traditional Territory: Anishinabewaki ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ Wendake-Nionwentsïo Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee) Mississauga Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation

As a Marine Conservation Biologist (MSc) at Dalhousie University, my research focuses on the impacts of climate change on large whales in the Northwest Atlantic, aiming to influence policy for their protection. Passionate about ocean literacy, I work with Ocean School to develop scientific content, making marine education accessible globally. As Chair of Surfrider Atlantic Canada, I advocate for the conservation and enjoyment of our oceans, fostering a powerful activist network. My commitment extends to gender equality and diversity in science, having led the Women in STEM Society at Dalhousie. Additionally, I actively participate in marine animal rescue and research with the Marine Animal Response Society. Beyond academia, I engage in science communication, including authoring a book to bring vital ocean issues to the public. Outside of work, I embrace the outdoors through hiking, surfing, and camping, deepening my connection with the environment I strive to protect.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Inaam Chattha

Inaam Chattha he/him/his

Age: 21 Location: Ontario Traditional Territory: The traditional territory of Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas.

Living close to an Indigenous reserve allowed me to learn from and actively engage with the local community, deepening my connection with the land. At a young age, observing sustainable practices, traditional rituals, and the profound respect for nature demonstrated by Indigenous peoples significantly shaped my own environmental awareness, leading to a heightened appreciation for the interdependence between individuals and the land we share. Whether it involved researching water quality in Hamilton Harbour or advocating for collective community efforts to address environmental impacts of industrial expansion, my stewardship work in recent years mirrors my lived experiences in an Indigenous community. Through my work, I hope to transcend cultural, linguistic, and societal barriers and unite diverse individuals in working together to protect the natural world for the benefit of all.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Rae Landriau

Rae Landriau they/them

Age: 24 Location: Ontario Traditional Territory: I reside in Adaawe, the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabeg People.

Rae Landriau is a graduate student at Carleton University pursuing an MSc. in physical geography. Their research is on legacy drilling waste sites in the western Canadian Arctic. Their project is in collaboration with the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Inuvialuit Land Administration and NSERC PermafrostNet. A key component of Rae’s work is facilitating the training of environmental monitors to ensure community skills and capacity for ongoing initiatives. Passionate about sharing their love for science and nature, Rae founded the Create Change Collective, a community-based organization dedicated to making environmental education more accessible. Through artistic mediums, they engage individuals in climate action. Rae has authored two books, “Running Water” (2022) and “Colouring for Conservation” (2024), distributing over 150 physical and 1000 electronic copies free of charge across Canada ensuring low-barrier accessibility to resources. Over the past two years, Rae has initiated and launched more than 23 community engagement projects, forging partnerships with organizations such as Youth Climate Lab, Ottawa Riverkeeper, United Nations Association in Canada, Taking it Global, Ocean Wise, Youth Action Now, the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada, and Reimagine 17, among others. Rae has been recognized as an Outstanding Youth Leader by the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM) in 2022, Top 30 under 30 Environmental Educators by the North American Association for Environmental Educators (NAAEE) Class of 2022, and an Outstanding Youth Volunteer by Volunteer Ottawa 2023, along with other academic recognitions.

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Sonia Vinogradova

Sonia Vinogradova She/Her

Age: 24 Location: Ontario Traditional Territory: The traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people

Sonia is a lifelong advocate for sustainable solutions that help everyone lead greener, happier lives. She believes in community involvement as a way to build stronger social connections and to find gratitude for the experiences around us. At school, Sonia is focused on giving students the tools to hold their educational institutions accountable to their environmental commitments. Her campus-wide activism has successfully achieved divestment from fossil fuels and trained students to work with their departments to complete sustainability audits. Sonia is a master’s student in Environmental Sustainability at the University of Ottawa and she previously ran the undergraduate Sustainable Development Centre for 2 ½ years. Sonia used the nonprofit to build uOttawa’s community of eco-leaders after the Covid-19 pandemic. Her masters research asks “What do leading universities do on sustainability that lower-ranking universities do not?”. But first, she learned on the ground about sustainability reports by co-writing her business faculty’s inaugural sustainability report according to the UN’s Principles of Responsible Management Education. Keep an eye out for her future sustainability reporting leadership!

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Yazan Zamel

Yazan Zamel

Age: 23 Location: Ontario Traditional Territory: The traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit

Yazan Zamel is a dedicated advocate for clean energy and equitable energy access, with a profound passion for technology, sustainability, and community service. He worked previously as an environmental researcher at the Transportation and Air Quality Research Group, Market Forecast and Integration Intern at the Independent Electricity Systems Operator, Energy Efficiency Consultant at Posterity Group, and Sustainability Research Assistant at the President’s Committee on Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainability (CECCS).

Yazan is the President of the Sustainable Engineers Association, Founder and President of the Ambassadors of Tolerance Program, and Operational Director of the Green Student Association. Yazan reached to more than 2500+ post-secondary students in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to successfully increase students’ motivation on green initiatives and highlight importance of climate change. Through Green Student Association, Yazan founded the Sustainability Ambassadors Initiative during COVID-19, where he trained a group of 20 ambassadors across different faculties at University of Toronto so they can lead, inspire their communities, promote energy equity, and create a platform where students can share ideas on protecting the environment. Yazan is also serving as the founder of the Ray of Hope initiative since 2020. Through his initiative, he has reached 4,300 refugees to provide quality education, helped 250 students find jobs, and reach many more young people online. In July 2022, he was named as one of International Diana Award Recipients for His Ray of Hope initiative. Yazan is also an alumni of the Future Sustainability Leaders (FSL), where he participated and received first place in an AI Hackathon Competition. He is also an alumni of the Student Leaders Programme (SLP) hosted by International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).   His interests carefully shape his human-centric engineering design process in a way that reflects Sustainability, Creativity, and Simplicity.


Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Monica Figueroa

Monica Figueroa she/her

Age: 21 Location: Alberta Traditional Territory: I am a first generation settler on Treaty 6 territory

I grew up in Colombia and joined Edmonton Youth For Climate (EYFC) in early 2019 shortly after moving to Canada. I am passionate about climate justice and environmental activism because I would like to see a future where people can thrive alongside nature. As a member of EYFC I have organized climate strikes, planned community events, and engaged with city council to pass and fund Edmonton’s Energy Transition Strategy, a plan to reduce the city’s carbon emissions. In 2022 I worked as a Gaptivist for the David Suzuki Foundation and organized a climate art exhibition in Edmonton. The exhibition showcased the work of dozens of Edmontonians who expressed their thoughts and feelings about climate change in artistic form. After the exhibition I coordinated the painting of a warming stripes mural in Edmonton, which is a graphic representation of global average temperatures over the past century.

Northwest Territories

Top 25 Winners 2023 Portrait image of Reegan Jungkind

Reegan Jungkind

Age: 21 Location: Northwest Territories Traditional Territory: Chief Drygeese Territory, traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation

I was born and raised in Hay River, Northwest Territories and I couldn’t imagine growing up anywhere else, I truly love my territory more than anything and that has what’s drive me to fight against climate change. I’ve done many conferences and programs with Ecology North and they are the organization that offered me a chance to attend COP27 in Sharm el-sheik, Egypt. I was also a regional coordinator for North America as part of an organization called UNITE 2030. I currently represent the South Slave as a member of the Northwest Territories Climate change Youth Advisory Group.