ACTRA is a union of professional performers standing together to negotiate fair pay, decent working conditions and respectful treatment in the workplace. We welcome new members and look forward to working with you as you develop your career as a performer.

We represent all kinds of performers working in recorded media including principal performers, actors, background performers, singers, dancers, puppeteers, voice performers, hosts, narrators, stunt performers, models and more.

ACTRA membership is open to Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents.

Once you join, you agree to abide by the member responsibilities laid out in ACTRA’s Constitution and By-Laws.

There are several ways to join ACTRA:

  1. New acting graduates can apply to become an Apprentice member within one (1) year of completing a course of studies from eligible schools and post-secondary schools and institutions.
  2. Land a qualifying role in a production under ACTRA’s jurisdiction and apply to become an Apprentice member.
  3. Become an ACTRA Additional Background Performer. Upon meeting the requirements, apply to become an Apprentice member.
  4. Join under the terms of  a Reciprocal Agreement with one of our sibling unions, such as Canadian Actors’ Equity Association.

Apprentice members require Permits to work under ACTRA’s jurisdiction.

By-Law Changes

ACTRA National Council unanimously passed a series of amendments to the ACTRA National By-Laws with the objective of growing the membership and offering security and stability to professional performers across the country.

An overview of the amendments is outlined on our By-Law Changes FAQ page along with Frequently Asked Questions about what these changes mean for permittees and prospective members going forward.

Becoming a Full Member

An Apprentice member needs two more qualifying credits (a total of three) to become a Full member. There is no time limit between joining the Apprentice Program and becoming a Full member so long as you maintain your Apprentice membership and pay your annual fees.

When you purchase your third qualifying work permit, advise the Membership department that you want to become a Full member, then complete and submit an Application for Full Membership form and pay your initiation fee plus basic annual membership dues. Apprentice Members may deduct from their $1,600 Full membership fee: the cost of any qualifying Apprentice member credits used toward earning their Full membership and their initial Apprentice membership fee ($75).

Benefits of Full Membership

Full membership guarantees access to 80+ years of bargained benefits, RRSP contributions and professional development. ACTRA’s Full members in good standing:

  • do not require Permits to work under ACTRA’s jurisdiction;
  • gain the many rights and protections negotiated through ACTRA agreements, including minimum rates of pay;
  • enjoy preference of engagement over all other non-member performers;
  • participate in ratification votes for the ACTRA agreements they work under
  • vote in ACTRA Toronto elections;
  • play a direct role in governing their union by holding elected positions at ACTRA Toronto;
  • receive health and insurance benefits through AFBS;
  • participate in the free professional educational opportunities provided at ACTRA Toronto Member Conferences;
  • are eligible to submit fellow performers or be nominated for the ACTRA Awards in Toronto; and,
  • are eligible for consideration to join other performers’ unions under ACTRA’s reciprocal agreements.

Read our Full Member ACTRA Advantage FAQs