Protecting human health and the environment: Transforming the Pest Management Regulatory Agency

Update to Consultation on Targeted Review of the Pesticide Control Products Act

The online consultations to review the Act ended on June 30, 2022.

Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is reviewing the feedback received during these consultations to inform its transformation process that will strengthen its oversight and its protection of human health and the environment. The transformation process will also make the PMRA more transparent to people in Canada.

How we are transforming the PMRA

Learn about the four pillars of transformation

Water Monitoring

Learn how PMRA will collect and use more water monitoring data to inform decisions about pesticides


Learn how PMRA is working to increase access to data and information and improve science communication.

Modernized business processes

Learn how PMRA is modernizing its business processes to strengthen its protection of human health and the environment.

Information technology modernization

Learn how PMRA is modernizing its systems and tools to support transformation.

Accomplishments to date and next steps

Read about our plans and achievements to date

Targeted review of the Pest Control Products Act

Find out how we consulted with stakeholders and what we heard

Stakeholder meetings and engagement activities

View the schedule of consultation events and the roles and responsibilities of the transformation steering committee and technical working groups

Science advisory committee (SAC)

Learn about how the SAC will provide us with independent science advice

Privacy notice

Read about how we manage information from stakeholders

Page details

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