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Ministry of Education Releases Curriculum for New De-streamed Grade 9 Math Course

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Ministry of Education Releases Curriculum for New De-streamed Grade 9 Math Course

new Grade 9 mathThe Ministry of Education has released curriculum for Ontario’s new Grade 9 math course (MTH1W), which covers key math concepts and skills for all students as part of a de-streaming effort.

In the first major revision to the Grade 9 math curriculum since 2005, the Ministry of Education said the new course is relevant to today’s job market, prepares students to advanced math and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers, and helps them understand concepts in real-life scenarios such as coding.

The new curriculum signals the start of de-streaming for Grade 9 courses across the province. De-streaming ends the practice of placing some students in pathways or programs, based on perceptions of their ability. De-streaming is an important equity measure that seeks to ensure that a student’s pathways decisions are personalized to fit their interests and aspirations.

“Ontario’s new Grade 9 math course is a monumental step in the right direction and we are excited to finally see it in the hands of our teachers, administrators, and staff members,” Director of Education Manny Figueiredo said.

“Although more work remains, de-streaming courses will open doors for students historically underserved in education, including Indigenous, Black, Racialized, Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+, and students requiring special education supports/services.”

The Ministry says it will work with its education partners to ensure teachers and students are supported with the new math course. These efforts will include mandatory Professional Activity days focused on anti-racism, anti-discrimination training, as well as mathematics, including the new curriculum. 

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Updated on Wednesday, June 09, 2021.
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