Last updated 2024-04-23

Transferring repair estimates for returned leased vehicles policy

A leasing company can process or present claims as follows:

When the returned leased vehicle has ...

Then the leasing company ...

a fully authorized Estimate or Appraisal outstanding for repairs to the vehicle

can process the claim.

an insurable loss against the vehicle policy that occurred while valid ICBC coverage was in place, including repossessed vehicles

  • can present the claim(s), and
  • must pay the GST portion of the claim directly to the repair facility.
Note: An ICBC representative must inform the lessee that a claim(s) may be processed under the policy.

Any applicable deductible or depreciation can be paid by either the lessee or lessor.

Note: PST must not be charged or paid on the repair as rental and leasing companies are exempt from PST. The rental or leasing company’s PST registration number must be recorded by the repair facility for the exemption to be valid.