Prompt Payment Coming to Saskatchewan Construction Projects on March 1, 2022

The Saskatchewan government recently announced that The Builders’ Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act and The Builders’ Lien Amendment Regulations, 2020 will come into force on March 1, 2022. This legislation creates new procedures and deadlines for payments on construction projects, and is discussed in detail in our previous posts,  Saskatchewan Introduces Prompt Payment Bill for Construction Industry, Saskatchewan Releases Prompt Payment Regulations, and Saskatchewan’s New Prompt Payment Regime For Construction Projects.

The prompt payment regime will apply to contracts and subcontracts entered on or after March 1, 2022. It will not apply to contracts and subcontracts entered before then. Owners and contractors should ensure their contracts and processes will be compliant with the prompt payment regime by March 1, 2022.

About the Author:

Caroline is a partner in the Saskatoon office and practices primarily in the area of commercial litigation, including contract, construction, real estate, and shareholder disputes.

About McKercher LLP:

McKercher LLP is one of Saskatchewan’s largest, most established law firms, with offices in Saskatoon and Regina. Our deep roots and client-first philosophy have helped our firm to rank in the top 5 in Saskatchewan by Canadian Lawyer magazine (2021/22). Integrity, experience, and capacity provide innovative solutions for our clients’ diverse legal issues and complex business transactions.

This post is for information purposes only and should not be taken as legal opinions on any specific facts or circumstances.  Counsel should be consulted concerning your own situation and any specific legal questions you may have.