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Aki Kinomaagewinan: Engaging Educators and Youth in Indigenous Land-Based Learning through Natural Curiosity

October 21, 2023

This fall, Natural Curiosity (NC) excited to launch our in-person professional learning on the land, Aki Kinomaagewinan: Engaging Educators and Youth in Indigenous Land-Based Learning through Natural Curiosity, in partnership with ENAGB on Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. This program is for educators who wish to deepen their own inquiry into the ecology of Natural Curiosity – growing a learning environment where educators and students experience themselves in relationship with the Land and each other in community. This fully outdoors offering will take place at the Humber River teaching lodge. Together, our intergenerational learning community will engage in land-based learning around our plant and animal relations, Anishinaabe knowledge of/with the land, principles of reciprocity, nestled within the Natural Curiosity framework for inquiry-based, environmental education.

Aki 2023 Facilitators listed.png

The full day learning will take place on Awnjiktigaan (Eglinton Flats), a historically and culturally significant stretch of land along the Gabekanaang-ziibi (Humber River), Toronto. Over the past 4 years, a new teaching lodge has been raised on the land by youth, Elders, and women leaders, with support from community partners. Program activities will be conducted respectfully inside and around the teaching lodge.


A photograph of Joe Pitawanakwat. Joe is wearing a black beanie, rectangular glasses, and a pink shirt. Joe is looking to the side and smiling, mouth open wide. In the background, there is a thick tree canopy.

Joe Pitawanakwat, Founder of Creators Garden and Indigenous Plant Medicine Educator


Dr. Rebecca Beaulne-Stuebing, Assistant Professor at York University

Cost for Educators

$250 (pricing for educator participants)

Note: There is no cost for Indigenous youth participants in Aki Kinomaagewinan.

Natural Curiosity is a 100% donor-funded program – the cost of our program funds workshop planning, our facilitators, pre and post conversations regarding the workshops, administrative time, and resource-sharing tool. Participating educators will receive a certificate of completion from Natural Curiosity and ENAGB.


There are 15 subsidies of 100% registration fee available for this event. We kindly ask that only educators who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, and Peoples of Colour, and require financial assistance to go forward with this limited option.


Over the course of this day, educators will explore the four-branch framework of environmental inquiry, and dive into ethical relationships with local Indigenous peoples and knowledge, in ways that reciprocate with N’iikiniganaa (all our relations) including covenants with the land. Strategies to overcome barriers towards implementation of these important ideas and experiences will be discussed in an open and collegial environment where educators may process their thinking, ask questions and share stories. 

Saturday, October 21 between 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM ET (option to work on the land after 3:00 PM ET).

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Have any questions?

If you wish to chat with a member of the Natural Curiosity team to further discuss program details, please do not hesitate to contact Natural Curiosity at

ENAGB logo. On the left, there is a Medicine Wheel. Around the Medicine Wheel, there are stick figures with heads coloured in to correspond to the colour of the quadrant of the Medicine Wheel they are standing on top of. In the middle, ENAGB is written in black. On the right, Eshkiniigjik Naandwechigegamig Aabiish Gaa Binjibaaying is written in gray.
Natural Curiosity logo featuring a turtle with a tree growing upwards from its shell.

With the support of

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