Academic campaign

Below you’ll find several resources for academics and students working to combat antisemitism, racism, colonialism and censorship.

Together we must stop the IHRA definition from being used to not only censor critical and engaged scholarship, but also to undermine anti-racist and decolonization campaigns in our colleges and universities.

Handbook for academics

The IHRA Definition of Antisemitism & Canadian Universities/Colleges

What you need to know

Academic Petition

To date, over 600 Canadian academics have signed on to an open letter opposing the IHRA definition of antisemitism.

If you're a Canadian academic and want to sign the petition, click here.

To view the full list of signatories, click here.



Jewish Faculty in Canada Against the Adoption of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism

 Faculty Against the IHRA Definition

The following faculty associations and unions have taken positions in favour of academic freedom, and against the IHRA definition. Want to add your association to this list? Get in touch with us -

 Other Associations

University of King’s College Teacher Association