NYGH eReferral

North York eReferral

North York General Hospital (NYGH) has introduced eReferrals, using the well-established Ocean platform, to make it simpler and faster for primary care providers to securely refer patients for common hospital services including paediatric care, mental health and soon diagnostic imaging and surgery.

North York eReferral can be utilized by both NYGH clinics and services as well as services across Toronto. Once physicians, specialists and clinicians at North York General sign up and complete the form, a member of the eReferral team will then get in touch to share next steps.

About eReferral

Ocean is an Ontario-wide eReferral network developed by CognisantMD (external website) in partnership with the EHealth Centre of Excellence (external website). It allows participating health care providers to:

  • Send and receive referrals and exchange patient information quickly and securely online, replacing outdated fax-based referrals.
  • Use pre-populated referral forms that pull automatically from electronic medical records (EMRs) which are more efficient than fax-based and phone referrals.

The platform is designed by physicians and for physicians in all practice models:

  • Physicians in Toronto are using the Ocean eReferral platform and can share how it has improved their workflow and productivity, enabling them to find the right specialists more quickly, and support patient care management.
  • Across Ontario, more and more hospitals are using the eReferral platform including Michael Garron Hospital, St. Joseph’s Healthcare, The Ottawa Hospital, Joseph Brant Hospital, Cambridge Memorial Hospital and many more.

eReferral Resources

North York General Hospital has introduced eReferrals, using the Ocean platform, to make it simpler and faster for primary care providers to securely refer patients for hospital services.

eReferral System

The Ocean eReferral system helps clinicians find a specialist, send a referral, keep a record in the EMR andtrack the status of referrals all from a single eReferral portal.

In Ontario…

  • 11,000+ healthcare providers use Ocean eReferral system
  • 19,000+ eReferrals sent every month
  • 15,000+ appointments booked online monthly
  • 97% of patients report improved experience


NYGH is among the first GTA hospitals to offer physicians, clinicians and patients the Ocean eReferral platform.

Benefits for You:

  • eReferrals save time and increase the quality and transparency of referrals.
  • eReferrals make it easier for clinicians to work together and coordinate patient care.

Printable eReferral fact sheet (PDF)

Print and share our eReferral fact sheet for primary care physicians, specialists and other health care providers.

Introduction to Ontario eServices Program: eReferral (PDF)

Learn more about eReferral which is a free platform funded by the Ministry of Health.

Webinars and Events

Health care providers are encouraged to participate in eReferral webinars when they become available. Information on eReferral user experience and how to register for webinars and events can be found at Fall 2021 eConsult & eReferral Webinar Series (eServices Ontario). Please check back for upcoming eReferral event information.

Frequently Asked Questions

New to eReferral? Our Frequently Asked Questions can help you get started: