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EZ © Headquarters Quartier général. 4th Canadian Division de la 4e Division du Canada Joint Task Force (Central) Force apératinnalla interarmées (Contro) elton tate telat mas eaeuoe renee aoe Fen Sriewacear Fa Sono 3350-Op LASER 20-01 (COS) | May 20 Distribution List OP LASER — TFC OBSERVATIONS IN LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES IN ONTARIO References: A. Letter: Ontario Request for Assistance in Provincial Long Term Care Facilities, Fed Min PS Blair to Ont SOLGEN Jones, 24 Apr 20; and B, 3350-1 (133) ITR-IR Task Order 003 - JTEC Op LASER 20-01, 26 Ayu 20, 1. Sir, as aulh al Ref A and directed at Ref B, JIC has employed Augmented Civilian Care (ACC) teams, since 28 Apr 20, in five Province of Ontario-prioritized Long Term Care Facilities (LICE) that were in urgent and immediate need of personnel to provide humanitarian relief and ‘medical support 2. _ Since arrival, and with the benefit of two weeks of observation, CAF ACC have ‘dontifiod « number of wedival professional and technical issues present atthe five LTCF. From ‘command and medical perspective, challenges were expected at these facilities given the severe deficiencies and shortfalls that existed/exist atthe provincially-priortized assignments; the CAP ‘ras meant fo go to lovativus wilh the greatest need of our support. ‘his isa reflection ofthe ‘conditions at those distressed locations. Consequently, issues and challenges have been collated ‘and consolidated in medical reporting in the key arcas of Standards and Quality of Medical Care. Annexes A E provide deteil by individual LICR. Tue purpose ofthis leter1s to ensure that these observations do not go unnoticed by our chain of command, the Province of Ontario, and moet importantly atthe individual LTCF where efforts are curently underway in an open, transparent and collaborative manner at the loval level between cach LTCF and AUL to aid in recovery by addressing the specific areas of observation, 3. Nothing in this letter is meant to encroach upon the purview of the CAF Surgeon General, the established relationship between that office and the Chief Medical (finer of Health tor Untano, or the formal and informal connections by the CFHS and its offices, with those ‘medical and professional Colleges and Associations that represent he medical professionals and health care capabilities within the Ontario health care system, Rather, this is meant to ‘compliment that discussion by ensuring a command awareness on these issues so as to support the Surgeon General, the CEHS and our CAF medical and non-medical general duty personnel as they execute daily tasks as an ACC team in this unexpected and difficult operating environment us 4, The Province of Outario, and its Inviden! Management System (IMS) responsible tothe Command Table and is responsible for dealing with the COVID crisis. co-chaired hy the Provincial Deputy Ministers (DM) for both Health and for Long-Term Care, respectively, are aware that CAF ACC teams have made observations with Standards and Quality of Medical Care. Informally, key figures in the IMS nnderstand the general themes af an ohservations but have not been privileged with specifies or detail. We have sought to make observations that are strictly ‘actual in uature and are not cant to assess or pass Judgment on LTCT leadership or stats. From the perspective of our medical and non-medical personnel in-situ, however, the observations are sufficiently serious in nature to warrant them also being shared with the Province ‘of Ontario, given tha: the CAF is responding to their KFA and LICK tall under the Province’s authority. I believe that this is best done under the Surgeon General's purview, and JTEC can tenable that via our Regional Surgeon who has established links with the Provincial IMS Lead and Operatious Head. Additionally, I will make myself aveilable, should it be directed or desired, 10 address these issues at my level. with my Provincial counterparts: DM for Health, DM for Tang- Term Care, or with the Deputy Solicitor General for Ontario (Dep SOLGEN) who is responsible for RFA within the Province, 5. Far more importantly for the health of the residents who are the focus of all concerned, is ‘our transparency and collaborative work with each LTCF to improve the situation 50 as to have an immediate effect on both daily operations and incremental facility recovery. To that end, Tean assure that each ACC team has addressed their own observations with the LTCF management and ‘the competent medical authority available al cach site. Every engagement to date has been positive with an acknowledgement by the LTCF that they need to improve, with the improvement con these observed issues being as equal in importance to: overall recovery as proper staffing, sufficient medical resourccs and supplies, coherent management return on site and establish» ‘working connection to respective health networks. 6. believe eare and attention by our ACC personnel remains oar strongest tool in this domain. Notwithstanding the observed deviations in care and accepted practices, our CAF medical professionals lead by example in these LTCF and are ably supported by their non- ‘medical goneral duty personnel and the structure of tho Teak Force thet enables each ACC tea ‘The content of the annexes was the result of the ACC Nursing Officer team leads, the work ofthe ACC Senior Nursing Officer, Capt K. Martin and the Regional Surgeon, LCol C. Mercer. Any specific intorest with the Annex content is beat directed via the Regional Surgeon as JTFC technical authority for the medical content. 7. Sir, Tromain available at your convenience for direotion or disoucsion, Respectflly, C.5.1, Mialkoweli Brigadier General Commander Annexes / Distribution List (next page) 2 ‘Annexes Annex A — Observation Report on LTCF Eatonville Care Centre Annex B - Observation Report on LICF Hawthome Place Care Centre Annex C — Observation Report om LICE Orchard Villa Annex D — Observation Report on LTCF Altamont Auuca E~ Observation Report on LICK Holland Christian — Grace Manor Distribution List Action CJOC/Comd Information TO CAV/Comd/COS OpsiCA Surg CJOC/DGOps!Command Surgeon/LEGAD CF H Svesi/Surg General/DSG/DHSO a8 ‘Annex A to Observt Estonville Care Centze 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 Report on LTCF EATONVILLE CARE CENTRE 420 THE EAST MALL, ETOBICOKE, ON M9B 329 1. Infection control: a. Isolation: COVID-LY positive residents allowed to wander. This means anyone in the facility (staff, residents, and visitors) is at risk of being exposed and passing it throughout the home; s the resident's location is not predictable, full appropriate PPE 1s not possible; fb PPE practices — resident rooms: facility staff are under the impression thet ifthe infection between 2 residents is the same, there's no need to change their gown; and ¢. PPE practices ~ outside rooms: facility staff often wear PPE outside of rooms and at the rmrses station 2. Standards of practice/quali of care concems: » Rencing hypodermoclysis supplies evea after sterility has been obviously ‘compromised (e.g. catheter pulled out and on the floor for an undetermined emount of time); b. Poor palliative care standards — inadeqnate dosing intervals far some medications some options limited based on level of staff administering medication (ex: hhydromozphone injection won't be given if RIN unavailable); ©. There are no menth or eye once orlers ar supplies for palliative residentss 4. Poor Foley catheter care, CAF SNO (Senior Nursing Officer) reports poor adherence to orders, ao cousistent safety checks. Significant incidents of excessive sediment or abnormal discharge and bleeding with no follow on action; and ©. Generally very poor peri-cathetcrization care reported. Example: Retracting penis foreskin to clean isu’ happening on a widespread level. CAF have found nearly a dozen incidents of bleeding fungal infections. 3. Supplics: a. General culture of fear to use supplies because they cost money (fluid bags, dressings, gowns, gloves etc); b. Key supplice aic ufica ud luck wud hey, aut wcvessible by those who need them for work (e.g. wipes for PSWs); and ¢. Expired medication. Much of the ward stock was months out of date (inference: rovidents have likely been getting expired medication for quite suuve tite). 4. Ambizuity on local practices: Extra soaker pad: residents who routinely soil this bed despite incontinence products are not permitted to have an extra soaker pad or towel in bed to help protect sheets and blankets from soiling. (PSWs are afraid for their jobs on this issue) rationalization eed is that an extra pad is undignified; b. — Cohorting residents. Ministry requirement cited as reason they still have nevative residents rooming with positive residents; and ©. Unable to post information that would greatly increase patient safety and appropriate care. Example: an inconspicuous card above bed that stated code status, dict texture/fuid consistency, transfer status ete. was deemed to be “undignified”. This A-13 ‘Annex A to Observation Repoit uu LTCF Eatonville Care Centre 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 presents a safety risk to residents who may get improper care and liability rileto the care providers, 3. Communication: a, PSWs-can be task focused and do aot always report discovered abnormalities to registoted stall, b, Policies and facility-specific procedures aren’t communicated to staff (example: how to sign for a narcotics shipment, what to do in the event of a call bell failure); © Infixuation about residents is aitficut to access and hard to communicate (exemple: neurologic exam after a fll is hard to interpret when it's unclear what the resident's baseline neurologic status is) 4. Information on LTCF COVID status (residents and staft) is not available or updated; and © Manegement is unable to effectively enforce restrictions on use of CAF PPE. 6 Staffins: a, New staff that have been brought to LTCF haven't been trained or oriented; b. —LTFC is severely understaffed during day due to resident comorbidities and needs (need more PSWs, RPN and RNs); ©. MDs not present and have to be accessed by phone (not always within reach); 4. Morale and well-being of staff at tisk. Many are overworked, seem burned out and have no time off (some have not seen their families for week); The staffing is such that it is impossible to provide care ata pace that is appropriate to each resident or allow them any kind of independence. (example: a resident states he would like to ambulate to the toilet, a PSWs says, “no I just changed him.” Or people are often sedated with narcotics when they arc likely just sad or depressed in ‘context where there isn’t the staffing to support the level of care and ‘companionship they need; £ ACC staff report not having witnessed any psychosocial support for these residents ‘wha have all ofa eudden had their familien taken away (Reposted as “ICS heartbreaking to get a report about someone who is “agitated and difficult” and has ‘been getting PRN narcoties or benzodiazepines to sedate them but wiren you tale to ‘them they just say they're “coared and fool alone like they're iu jail” ~ uo agttarion OF sedation required; and 8 Gross in-acherence to some recurring orders (example: regular vital signs or patient turing); in same cases PSW are reported to asking ACC toam members uut wv du these since they “wake up the resident”. 7. Tnanomooriate Rehaviewe 2. CAF member have witnessed aggressive behaviour which ACC slaff assessed as sbusive/inappropriate, Incidents have been reported to management on numerous occasions. Witness reports have been completed and LTC has commenced investigation o the lmowledge of ACC staff. Examples include aggressiveness when angiag inconsinence product, not stopping or slowing when resident complained of pain, pulling residents, aggressive transfers impacting resident ability to. participate in care as able (roll selfin bed), degrading or inappropriate comments Girected at residents ct; Annex A to Observation Report on LICE Eatonville Care Centre 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 fh Reprts of inanenrate charting or documentation being amended by agenoy otal? following submission regarding patient’s pain levels, nutrition, eating status ete; and ©. ACC staff report inaccurate reporting regarding resident's status to family (feeding, pain levels, general condition etz). %. ACCenzavement with tacthty statt: a. Concerns were initially raised by the on-site SNO to local leadership. On 4 May 20, atteleconf was conducted between CO TBGI, OC ACC, and leadership from Katonville Care Centre, as well as corporate management. Major concems were raised, in particular standards of care issues, poor IPAC, poor charting, narcatie misuse, and wound care, Concems were raised in a collegial manner and facility staff advised they will address the deficiencies. ‘Annex B to Observation Report on LCF Hawthome Place Care Centre 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 HAWTHORNE PLACE CARE CENTRE 2045 FINCH AVE WEST, NOR YORK, ON M3N 1M9 L B-13 Infection control; 2 ‘Numerous tans blowing in hallways (increased spread of COVID-19); 6. Poor training and adherence to IPAC protocols noted; ©. Significant deterioration of cleanliness standards throughout LTC: Adherence to APAC BPG is severely impacted. All ACC and GD pers report ‘numerous incidents of PPE breakdown by LTC staff. Protovvls in place have @ near 100% contamination rate for equipment, patients and overall facility Nurses/PSWs are often observed not changing PPE for several hours while moving hetween numerous patient roome, Equipiment is sckiouu/cver Ubserved 10 bbe disinfected but is used between +ve/-ve patients. Med cart, BP cuts, thermometers etc. not disinfected between uses; Tittle to no disinfection had been conducted at the facilities ivr we CAF operations. Significant gross fecal contamination was noted in numerous petieat rooms; Inseot infestation noted within LTC - ante and cockroaches plus uakuywu observed; Delayed changing soiled residents leading to skin breakdown; and N9Ss provided to siaf¥ without fittest. Standards of Practive/(juality of Care Concerns: Forceful and aggressive transfers, ltle/no regular turning of patients leading to increased number and complexity of pressure ulcers; Forceful feeding observed by staff causing eudible choking/aspiration, forceful hydration causing audible choking/aspiration: Patients observed crying for help with staff not responding for (30 min to over 2 hours); Narcotics are not considered a high alert medication therefore this is no ‘mandatory independent verification required within the LTC. High risk of dosing Activities of Daily Living ~ staff report residents having not been bathed for several weeks (noted at commencement of task); DNR otatuo not pooted causing staff to .ave w EMR during code to determine DNR status. CPR bas been initiated in absence of ability o verify DNR status (likely futile, and also putting staff at risk as CPR is aerosol generating); ing otatuo not posted/rcadily available. Given the lack of permanent staf or oversight, patient meals are often mixed up, with incidents of inappropriate meals being fed to residents with swallowing difficulties (incteascs likelihood of | choking or aspiration); ‘Access to PCC (electronic health record) inconsistent and numerous reports af a lack of charting/documentation by staff causing significant gaps in information: Reports by SNO of little to no documentation on resident's status within EMR for up to 6 months, Unclear regarding reasons for lack of charting but resident’: satus indicated a requirement for additional information and documentation; ‘Annex B to Observation Report on LICF Hawthome Place Care Centre 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 K, Regular wellness checks suboptimal or inconsistent with staff resulting in many hours between wellness checks day/night shift 1 SNO reported incident of patient's enteral feed bottle wut being chunged for so Jong the contents had become foul and coagulated; date and expiration of contents not noted on bottle; m. _SNO reported incident of permancat cathoter being in situ 3 weeks beyond scheduled change date. Catheter was changed by SNO but stated documentation and adherence to timelines was problematic; 2. Topical prescription medicine shared between residents; and ©. Staff report significant lack of appropriate wound care to advanced (stage 4hunstageable) wounds duc to significant shortage of supplies, lack of documentation, non aicrle technique, no packing or improper packing uf wounds. ‘Suppliea: a. Wound care supplies insufficient or locked away — high tumover of staff and lack of familiarity with LTC led to poor practices due to supply shortage; b. No erach cart available for uoe in tho event ofa cardice arrest ©. Linen shortage aoted, Either more linens need to be purchased or laundry staf required for night shift. Shortage led to residents slooping on beds with no linen leading to increased slcin breakdown; and 4 Availability of Pads and time constraints led to significant lack of documentation within EMR. Significant gaps in information exist especially WRT pressure ulcer progression, swallowing status or patient mental status, Ambiguity on local practices a, Palliative care orders not charted/unknown to agency staff thus often not observed; b. Resident consus and dovumentatiou outdated, aul ¢. Resident assignment is not clear for PSWs leading to residents being uncared for. Comms a. Poor communication between shifts or lack of handover at shift change led to resident care aspects heing missed Staffiny lo (civilian) RN in the building other than SNO during weekends. SNO and Executive Director (also an RN) only RNS on site on numerous occasions during the wook. Significant resultant wafety vonverus regarding patient ratios (1 RN for up to 200 patients); b. Little or no orientation for new staff resulting in low adherence to protocols or a significant awarcacss of policy, c. Contact information and on call schedule not provided to unit staff creates significant delays for referral and direction during emergeacies; 4. Nursing aud PSW shift seiedute pouily waned. Breck due fs out planned, Staff disappear and leave the floor unattended; Annex B to Observation Report on LTCF ‘Hawthome Place Care Centre 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 4, B-3/3 SNO reports that ageney pulled baol‘orouted RNs whieu Uscy found out CAF ‘members present resulting in regular degradation of patient ratios and instbility of planning; No shift handovers witnessed since arriving ou site, PSW offen rushed and leave food on table but patients often cannot reach or ‘cannot teed themselves (therefore they miss meals or do not receive meal for hhomrs); Public inter-professional disputes amongst agency/permanent staff: and ACC personnel are heavily relied upon to train and mentor new staff: ACC enyayement with facility staff: Concerns were initially addroceed by the on-site SNO to loval leadership, including charge nurses. On 4 May 20, ateleconf was conducted between CO TRG, OC ACC, and leadership fiom Hawthome Place, as well as corporate ‘management, Major concerns were raised, in particular stauars Of ear issues, oor IPAC, poor charting, and narcotics misuse. Concems were raised in a collegial manner and facility stat advised they will address the deficiencies, however, given lack af resources available, they may have difficulty in alfeciag aplan, Annex C to Observation Report on LTCF Orchard Villa 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 ORCHARD VILLA 1955 VALLEY FARM RD. PICKERING, ON LIV 3R6 1 c-n Infection control: a, Lack of cleanliness noted: 1) Cockroaches and flies present; and 2) Rotten food smell noted from the hallway outside a patient's room. CAF member found multiple old food trays stacked inside a bedside table. Inappropriate PPE use noted throughout all sinffing levels (doctors included); and Poor IPAC/PPE practices (double/triple gowning and masking, surgical mask under N95, scarves under masks, etc). Sundars of Pactoe/Oual of Care Consens Fen ere Patient's being left in beds soiled in diapers, rather than being ambulated to toilets; ‘Mouth care and hydration schedule not being adhered to; Lack of proper positioning (head of the bed raised) for meals/fuids; POW and Nurses aten’t alwaye sitting up residents before feeding/hycrating/giving meds; choking/aspiration risk is therefore high; includes ‘observation of incident that appeared to have contributed in patient death (code blue due choking during feedina while supine ~ staff unable to dislodge food or revive resident); Respecting dignity of patients not always a priority. Caregiver burnout noted among staff; ‘Unsafe nursing medication administration errors; Staff putting food and important belongings outside of residents reach; "Nurses appear to document assessments withont actualy having assessed the resident; Tncideat of likely fractured hip not addressed by staff; Med Tech and SNO addressed and transferred resident to hospitals Multiple falls, without required assessments following the fall; Inconsistent and suboptimal assessment and treatment of pain; and Lack of knowledge evident regarding what qualifies as a restraint. Multiple scenarios of walking aids being removed, or mattresses set on floor as patients were uuable ty stand fivus thet low position (Wy prevent (hem fom Wandering tne facility). Supplies. a b Liguid oxygen generators not filled therefore not usable; Limited and inaccessible wound care supplies; Found I working suction locked in basement storage room; remainder of suction units not functional, last battery check was in 2014; Oxygen concentrators not easily accessible. Paticats were sleeping on bare mattresses because of lack of wecess 10 Jaundry/finens; and Poor access to linens, soaker pads, etc Amnex C to Observation Report on LTCF Orchard Villa 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 4, Ambiyuity on local practices a, Unable to access LTRC policies easily; cannot access facility’s policies without having a login; b. Incident reporting channels are “locked”, staff unable to report anvihing other than med errors; ©. No accessible incident reporting policy in placc; 4. Poor identification of Code status in documentation; © Swallowing assessments not up to date (safety issue); £ Minimal familiarity on process to document new ordars - orders missed; and 8 Challenges in contacting on call medical staff leading to confusion and coucems ‘when an emergency in progress. 5. Co ion: a. ‘Communication inconsistencies between expectations from LTCF leadership and the floor staff regarding faility’ policies; b, No communication betweea PSWs and RPN/RNS thet patients aze choking with meals, or unable to chew/swallow ete.; and 6 Poor communication hetweea facility management and hovsckocpng, Paiets being moved into rooms that have not been cleaned due to miscommunications ack of trating for new/agency staff. Nursing staff unsure where or how to document status changes, how to change medications, where order sets arc located, where supplies are located etc; lack of knowledge IRT suction equipment, code procedures; b. No accountability for staff in regards to upholding basic care needs or best practices; & Poor orne handover Uctwecu shifts; lack of teamwork or collaboration, blame previous shift for poor care; and 4. Initially some registered staff did not have access to electronic charting system. tially raised by on-site SNOs to facility leadership, such as sharge nurves, On 11 May 20, a telowwut was conducted between CO TSG), OC ACC. and leadership from Orchard Villa. Concerns were raised reparding these issues, particularly staffing levels, internal communications, standards of practice, and poor IPAC. Couverus wei tue in a collegial manner and facility staff advised they will address the deficiencies. Annex C to Observation Report on LTCF Alltsmont Care Community 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 ALTAMONT CARE COMMUNITY 92 ISLAND RD. SCARBOROUGH. ON MIC 2P5 D-13 Stndanda of Paaed ua y of Care Conc Tadequate nutrition — due wo significant staffing tssues, most residents were reported to not having received 3 meals per day and there was significant delay in ‘meals, Poor nutritional status due to underfeeding was reported by ACC ‘personnel; Significant number of residents have pressure ulcers, stane 2, 3 and 4 and uunstageable as a result of prolonged bed rest. ACC have identified 15 residents having wounds that 1equire significant care plan; Wound dressing orders have not been updated nor adhered to by agency staff causing further degradation of wound; wound care nurse scheduled to visit LTC every Wednesday to do dressing changes, however she was not able to come in the 2 weeks preceding. this report, resulting in a significant deterioration of the wenind rare management and dressing changes; At time of arrival many of the residents had been bed bound for several weeks; No evidence of residents being moved to wheelchair for parts of day. repositioned in bed, or washed property; ‘A non-verbal resident wiote disturbing letter alleging neglect and abuse by a PSW, Letter was banded to Med Tech by resident and was immedistely brought tothe attention of management. Note: this was handled immediately by the LTFC management team; and SNO reported significant concems regarding agency staff clinical skills. Some of the personnel such as RPNs require clinical updates in order to continue practicing safely. The following are reported examples: 1) A resident's blood sugar was assessed as 5.7mmol/L, the RPN was about to give Humalog, when SNO realized, it was identified to the RPN that Humalog io a rapid aoting inaulin thus an inappropriate wedivalivu, The PN stetes itis a long action and that there is no problem to administer it, After SNO insist on confirmation of protocol, itis identified thatthe Humalog protocol indicate to not administer if Dlood ouyat is lower han. 10mmoV/L; 2) PN states she is not able to dilute and administer Ceftriaxone IM. SNO had to chow to RPN how to reconstitute and administer the medication; 3) The RPN are using the wrong bandages and non-sterile dressings for packing, Wound care and packing were inappropriately completed by RPN requiring SNO to redo the paoking; 4) Resident was complaining of chest pain. RPN and SNO conducted assessment of resident and advised on call physician. Physician ordered Nitroglycerin, Patient's BP was 95/62 thus contraindication was communicated to physician who insisted on the treatment using, Nitroglycerin, SNO and RPN withheld drug related to safety reasons, and 5) When initiating and installing a subcutaneous butterfly, nurses are priming the line with NS and not the proper medication — not best practice Annex C to Observation Report on LTCF Altamont Care Commnnity 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 Supplies: b Ambivutty on local practic a ‘The facility has intuffioient wound care matetial aud supplies; and Residents have no way to receive additional personal supplies since the lockdown. ‘Ihey are unable to receive personalized shampoo, snacks, magazines, newspapers etc. LITCF kad no accurate nominal roll as to resident room: and bed locations, This came to ACC attention during an emergency when our facility experienced a flooding issue in one ot the wards; and ACC staff reported that medications are being reported/duvuneuled as belng siven but in fact they are not. Some agency staff have only been providing regular PO meds and not giving elixirs, drops nor PRN medication. Staffing: Scheduling is a significant concern at ths facility: 1) Bvening shift is mnstable, often no PSWo are proseat after 1490, PSW ratio often | per wing (30-40+ patients/PSW): 2) The current staff to patient ratio a the facility do not allow for more care than the most basie daily requiremonto, Rosidonts ae elauged and fed, however no ability to provide nail care, skin care, epositioning, nor adequate wound are; 3) Night shift also understaffed and often requires significant movement of Personne! within facility to stabilize number of personnel between wings; aud 4) Unverified reports of only 2.x PSW within facility during ACC rest day. Staff members (especially the nurses) avoid shrouding/post-mortem care ofthe deceased paticnts; vty few PSW's assist with the post-mortem care and often times (when CAF present) they leave the military stafFto do the post-mortem care; Reguler axgunscuts betwee sa(T observed (With derogatory language); ‘There is no administrator present for evening/night shifts and no systems are being utilized to ensure follow up on incident reports; ACC on wing 4 have identified that aiuve die regular staff have retmed, they are rushing patients, not respecting their pace and have been observed making degrading o: inappropriate comments directed at residents, and Kitchen staff do not atend tothe suack vatt during night shift and nursing staff are forbidden from entering the kitchen. Residents often get hungry around 3- 4AM and are told they can have a cookie, some cold coffee, or wait until ‘morning. ACC staff have been supplementing where nevessary with personal food supplies to ensure that residents don’t go hungry. ‘ACC ensayement with facility staf a, Concerns were initially raised by on-site SNOs to facility leadership, sich as charge nurses. On 8 May 20, a teleconf was conducted between CO TBG1, OC ‘Annex C to Observation Report on LTCF Altamont Care Community 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 ACO, and loaderohip from Altamont, Conecma were raised rogauding these issues, particularly standards of practice issues end poor IPAC. Concerns were raised in a collegial manner and facility staff advised they will address the deficiencies. In fact, staff advised that infection curve was flaleuiuy and thet staffing levels were increasing, D-33 ‘Annex E to Observation Report on LTCF Holland Christian Homes (Grace Manor) 3350-Op LASER 20-01 14 May 20 HOLLAND CHRISTIAN HOMES (GRACE MANOR) 7900 MCLAUGHLIN RD, BRAMPTON. ON L6Y 5A7 Lh ion control: Staff uwving fom COVID+ unit to other units without changing contaminated PPE; Some staff not following IPAC policies (ie. not band washing between patient interactions); ‘Wearing same pair of gloves for several tasks from ona paticat to anotler; Cleaning gloves between patients with hand sanitizer; and & No staff break room on COVID* floor where PPE can be removed in order to eat. 2. Standards of Practice/(ualitv of Care Concerns: Improper sterile techniqne with dressing changes (i.e. wound packing); PRN medication administration not always documented; Improper documeutatiou regarding patient DNR status; and ‘Concerns about agency staf? 1. Leaving food in a resident’s mouth while they are sleeping; 2. Aggressively repositioning a resident; 3. Tmpraper use of lifts; and 4, Not assisting residents during meals (staff would rather write the resident refused to eat, rather than helping them. 4. ACC enzavement with facility staff: 2, Ou7 May 20, a teleconf was conducted between CO TBG!, OC ACC, and leadership from Holland Christian Homes. Minor ooncems were raise in t collegial manner and facility staff advised they will address the deficiencies. Bos E-1

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