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Intelligence | Global AI Index

The Global AI Index

The first index to benchmark nations on their level of investment, innovation and implementation of artificial intelligence.

Making sense of artificial intelligence…
on a global scale

The artificial intelligence revolution will transform business, government and society – and this year it’s taken a huge leap forward. The rise of ChatGPT and the ensuing arms race between big tech companies to develop their own generative AI models has led to a very public debate about how best to manage the risks of this new technology. There’s been a lot of talk, but little understanding.

The Global AI Index aims to make sense of artificial intelligence in 62 countries that have chosen to invest in it. It’s the first ever ranking of countries based on three pillars of analysis; investment, innovation and implementation. This is the fourth iteration of the index.


Ranking Table

Countries are ranked by their AI capacity at the international level. This is the fourth iteration of the Global AI Index, published on 28 June 2023.


The Global AI Index is underpinned by 111 indicators, collected from 28 different public and private data sources, and 62 governments. These are split across seven sub-pillars: Talent, Infrastructure, Operating Environment, Research, Development, Government Strategy and Commercial.


Talent focuses on the availability of skilled practitioners in artificial intelligence solutions.

Infrastructure assesses the reliability and scale of access infrastructure, from electricity and internet to supercomputing capabilities.

Operating Environment focuses on the regulatory context and public opinion on artificial intelligence.


Research looks at the extent of specialist research and researchers, including numbers of publications and citations in credible academic journals.

Development focuses on the development of fundamental platforms and algorithms upon which innovative artificial intelligence projects rely.


Government Strategy gauges the depth of commitment from national governments to artificial intelligence; investigating spending commitments and national strategies.

Commercial focuses on the level of startup activity, investment and business initiatives based on artificial intelligence.

Country Profiles

Overall rank positions for each sub-pillar of the Index

The Data

Explore the 100+ Indicators that make up the Global AI Index

Further Reading

See our Results Piece: read here

And our Index Methodology: read here


Serena Cesareo and Joseph White

If you’d like to get in touch about the Global AI Index, please email aiindex@tortoisemedia.com