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About UFV

Vision, Mission, Values

UFV is built on our shared commitment to the university’s purpose, principles, and our future direction. With the adoption of our new statements of vision, mission, and values in 2019, our university has set a course for lasting endurance that will benefit generations to come, both locally and beyond.

The tangram

UFV uses the visual metaphor of the tangram when we represent our vision, mission, and values.

A tangram is a puzzle made up of seven basic shapes: five triangles, a square, and a parallelogram.

Like the building blocks of a UFV education, tangram shapes can be assembled into thousands of unique configurations and results, reflecting how a single institutional vision can embody many experiences, perspectives, and outcomes.

Our vision

UFV will be known as a gathering place for learners, leaders, and seekers. We will pursue diverse pathways of scholarship, leading to community connection, reconciliation, and prosperity, locally and beyond.

A vision statement describes what we want to become in the future in a way that challenges and inspires us.

Our mission

Engaging learners, transforming lives, building community.
yoystexw ye totilthet, ayeqet kw’e shxwaylexws, thayt kw’e st’elt’elawtexw

A mission statement communicates in a single sentence who we serve, what we do, and what impact we make.

Our values

Integrity | letse o sqwelewel
We act honestly and ethically, upholding these values and ensuring our mission is delivered consistently.

Inclusivity | lexwsq’eq’ostexw
We welcome everyone, showing consideration and respect for all experiences and ideas.

Community | st’elt’elawtexw
We cultivate strong relationships, acting as a hub where all kinds of communities
— educational, scholarly, local, global, and cultural — connect and grow.

Excellence | ey shxweli
We pursue our highest standard in everything we do, with determination and heart.

Values are the core beliefs and guiding principles governing daily behavior, communication, decision making, and leadership within an organization.