Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body: Multi-lingual Virtual Mental Wellness Workshops 2021-2022

After a review by the WE LIP council members of the Mental Health Roundtable report produced in fiscal year one, WE LIP partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association – Windsor (CMHA) and the Migrant Worker Community Program (MWCP) to produce the mental wellness sessions, Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body. The initial session was offered virtually in four (4) languages through Facebook Live. These languages were Spanish, French, Arabic and English.

After the success of the initial presentations, the partnership expanded to include Pozitive Pathways and the Consulate of Mexico in Leamington, and produced five (5) additional sessions in Spanish and English. Topics include: Sexual Health, LGBTQ2S+ Basics, Coping Strategies, Bereavement, and Addiction and Harm Reduction.

We Speak was used for the Spanish presentation.

Below you will find the following videos:

Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body

Depression and anxiety impact everyone. By caring for our mental health in the same way we do our physical health, we can become more resilient against life’s stressors.

Join us to learn techniques to help manage these feelings, recognize early warning signs, know where to go for help, and feel comfortable reaching out when needed.




Español & English
Mente sana en cuerpo sano –

Únase a nosotros para aprender técnicas que le ayudarán a controlar el estrés, reconocer las señales de advertencia tempranas y aprender a dónde acudir en busca de ayuda.



Un esprit sain dans un corps sain

La dépression et l’anxiété affectent nous tous. En prenant soin de notre santé mentale de la même manière que nous le prenons pour notre santé physique, nous pouvons devenir encore plus résilients face au stress.



(Arabic) عربى

العقل السليم في الجسم السليم

يعالج الاكتئاب والقلق من خلال الاهتمام بصحتنا العقلية بنفس الطريقة التي نتبع بها صحتنا الجسدية وبذلك يمكننا أن نصبح أكثر مرونة ضد ضغوطات الحياة.



Español & English
Salud sexual / Sexual Health 101

Como parte de la serie Mente sana en un cuerpo sano, Pozitive Pathways ofrece una sesión informativa sobre salud sexual en español e inglés.

As part of the Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body series, Pozitive Pathways offers a sexual health information session in Spanish and English.


Español & English
 2SLGBTQ+ Basico / LGBTQ2S+ Basics

Como parte de la serie Mente sana en un cuerpo sano, Pozitive Pathways ofrece una sesión informativa sobre 2SLGBTQ+ Basico en español e inglés.

As part of the Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body series, Pozitive Pathways offers LGBTQ2S+ Basics information session in Spanish and English.


Español & English
Lidiando Con Problemas / Coping

Como parte de la serie Mente sana en un cuerpo sano, la Canadian Mental Health Association – Windsor ofrece una sesión informativa sobre lidiando con problemas en español e inglés.

As part of the Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body series, the Canadian Mental Health Association offers an information session on coping strategies in Spanish and English.


Español & English
Duelo / Bereavement

Como parte de la serie Mente sana en un cuerpo sano, la Canadian Mental Health Association – Windsor ofrece una sesión informativa sobre duelo en español e inglés.

As part of the Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body series, the Canadian Mental Health Association offers an information session on bereavement in Spanish and English.

Español & English
Reduccion De Daños / Harm Reduction

Como parte de la serie Mente sana en un cuerpo sano, Pozitive Pathways ofrece una sesión informativa sobre Reduccion De Dañosen español e inglés.

As part of the Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body series, Pozitive Pathways offers an information session on Addiction & Harm Reduction in Spanish and English.


WE LIP Mental Health Roundtable Report

To learn more, view the WE LIP Mental Health Roundtable Report here:


Report Background

Research evidence shows that immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural and racialized populations are more exposed to the social determinants that contribute to mental health problems, access mental health services less often and face numerous barriers when accessing services. Barriers include stigma, language and cultural barriers, and long wait lists for mental health services. Recommended solutions include strengthened partnerships between settlement and mental health service providers, and increased investment in culturally and linguistically appropriate mental health services.

IRCC’s 2019 Call for Proposals included a focus on customized services that address newcomer needs for mental health and well-being support, including activities that reduce barriers and increase newcomer awareness of and access to mainstream physical and mental health services. As we move forward with these investments, we hope to learn from and share local best practices with other communities, while engaging community partners in creative problem solving to address outstanding challenges.

On February 13, 2020, the Windsor Essex Local Immigration Partnership hosted a Mental Health Roundtable. This was an opportunity for 44 local partners from various sectors including healthcare, community supports, education, and newcomer service providers to discuss mental health issues as they relate to newcomers and immigrants.