Cybervictimization among young adults in Canada

Release date: March 15, 2023
Infographic: Cybervictimization among young adults in Canada
Description: Cybervictimization among young adults in Canada

In 2018, 1 in 4 (25%) young adults aged 18 to 29 reported experiencing cybervictimization in the previous year.

The risk of being cybervictimized was higher among…

  • those aged 18 to 21 (31%)
  • women (32%)
  • the LGBTQ2 population (49%)
  • people with a disability (39%)

Use of online protective measures was more common among women victims

Table 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 1 Blocked people online, Restricted their own Internet use and Deleted online account (appearing as column headers).
Blocked people online Restricted their own Internet use Deleted online account
Men 13% 10% 3%
Women 31% 17% 4%

Cybervictimization was more prevalent among those who experienced other forms of victimization

Prevalence of cybervictimization

Table 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 2 Yes, experienced other forms of victimization and No, experienced no other forms of victimization (appearing as column headers).
Yes, experienced other forms of victimization No, experienced no other forms of victimization
Felt unsafe in public because of unwanted behaviours 45% 10%
Had been stalked 67% 22%

Cybervictimization and being a victim of physical and sexual assault were closely related, especially among women

Prevalence of cybervictimization

Table 3
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 3 Number of physical or sexual assaults experienced, calculated using None, One and Two or more units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Number of physical or sexual assaults experienced
None One Two or more
Men 15% 44% 54%
Women 27% 62% 70%

Men were more likely to be perpetrators of inappropriate online sexual behaviours

Table 4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 4 Gender of victim (appearing as column headers).
Gender of victim
Gender of the offender(s)Table 4 Note 1 Male victim Female victim
Men 44.8% 72.7%
Women 30.7% 13.1%
Men and women 5.6% 3.4%
Unknown 18.9% 10.7%
  • In the most serious incident of inappropriate online sexual behaviour, more than half (55%) of victims reported that they knew the offender or offenders.

Note: Due to sample size limitations, data on non-binary individuals who experienced cybervictimization cannot be published.

Source: D. Hango, 2023, “Online harms faced by youth and young adults: The prevalence and nature of cybervictimization,” Insights on Canadian Society, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-006-X.

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